Friday, December 3, 2021

Kremlin Believes Ukraine Is Preparing To Launch A Major Offensive In The Coming Weeks Against Separatist Forces In The Donbass

A Ukrainian service member walks along fighting positions on the contact line with Russian-backed separatist rebels near the town of Avdiivka in Donetsk Region, Ukraine February 13, 2021. REUTERS/Oleksandr Klymenko/File Photo  

RT: Russia says military action in Ukraine highly likely  

The risk of an all-out armed conflict in south-eastern Ukraine is extremely high and is becoming a matter of grave concern for Russia, Moscow has cautioned, as international tensions heighten over the war-torn Donbass region. 

Speaking to reporters on Thursday, Kremlin press secretary Dmitry Peskov said that “the probability of hostilities in Ukraine is still high” when asked about the likelihood of a war in the country’s east. 

“This is a matter of particular concern and worry for us,” he added. 

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Kremlin Believes Ukraine Is Preparing To Launch A Major Offensive In The Coming Weeks Against Separatist Forces In The Donbass  

Half of Ukraine’s army has now been deployed to Donbass – Moscow -- RT  

Ukraine Pulling Armed Forces to Conflict Zone in Donbass, Moscow Warns -- Sputnik 

Kremlin says probability of new conflict in east Ukraine still high -- Reuters  

Kremlin claims Ukraine may try to win back rebel-controlled regions by force -- The Hill  

Russia says Ukraine has deployed half its army – 125,000 troops – to conflict zone -- The Independent  

Russia says Ukraine massing troops near separatist east -- CGTN


Anonymous said...

Well that would be legal. It is within their internationally recognized borders.

What Russia is doing is illegal. Russia did not go to the UN and protest Ukrainian law. It did not make an attempt. The end purpose is to enlarge or reconstitute "Russia". The means is complaining about minority rights.

If we go by precedent, The League of Nations, UN and most countries do not give a damn about minority rights such as language. Look what the French did in Alsace. Each country should have one and only one tongue for governance and commerce. However the mother tongue of minorities should be taught in school.

Having a Canadian model for Ukraine seems to be a lie. I am not seeing a lot of federalism in Canada, but top down dictation by the Left.

The ethnic Russians have or had legitimate grievances. However, they are being used. When Moscow does not like a rebel leader, he disappears. Russia is using the ethnic Russians. they should figure it out.

Russia is talking so they can say diplomatically they have been working diplomatically to no effect , so there was nothing left to do but go to war. But again they have not gone to the UN. But they will say they did everything and many in the world Like Xi, Khameini and others will agree.

Germany, India and others will be silent. India because it is not up for a war right now versus China, Pakistan and Russia and Germany, because there will be technical issues throttling gas supply. Throttling the gas supply will be to judge the temperament of the so called German leaders.

If the German leaders act scared or appear weak, an attack is sure to follow. It is how Hitler did it. Call it bluffing or whatever. Hitler fed off weakness until the Brits and French were too afraid to appear weak or scared.

Caecus said...

Ironic how you bring up Hitler when it's certain Ukrainian groups who like to fly Nazi flags, shoulder patches and use other Nazi symbols

B.Poster said...

Based upon current policies the probability of a shooting war between the US and Russia and its allies within the next six months I would put at approximately 99.95%. The editor seems to believe this would quickly escalate to a nuclear exchange. I hope and pray he is wrong.

There is a reason I mention only the US but mention Russia and allies. Anon @ 12:28 raises some good points. Essentially the US will be fighting this alone. At that point, I'm not even sure Ukraine would be with us.

Is this worth it? Given the massive casualties that will ensue on our side combined with the risks of defeat and nothing of value gained with a "victory" I would say it's definitely not worth it. There's nothing in Ukraine that's worth this.

Caecus raises an interesting point. I'm unable to verify this particular claim, however, there does seem to be abundant evidence that the current Ukrainian leadership are corrupt chumps. IMHO, former president Trump was right to want to investigate certain dealings with them. As for Alex Vindman.....what I really want to say is probably not appropriate for this forum. Essentially, I have no patience for those who would sell us out for their own personal gain. Mr. Vindamn put the interests of the corrupt Ukrainian government above those of the American people whom he was supposed to be protecting.

Unknown said...

Well done

Anonymous said...

ah, yes. Ukraine bad bad bad but Russia under dictator not mentioned. wow. surprise.

Anonymous said...

"Is this worth it? Given the massive casualties that will ensue on our side combined with the risks of defeat and nothing of value gained with a "victory" I would say it's definitely not worth it. There's nothing in Ukraine that's worth this."

No, but it would advance the Biden Administrations secret plan to weaken and ultimately destroy the USA. Externally and internally. The American people are pretty much helpless to stop what is coming.

B.Poster said...

Nobody said Russia "good." I'd suggest studying the writings of John Adams. Essentially America can't go through the world looking for monsters to destroy.

B.Poster said...

"The American people are pretty much helpless to stop what's coming." Admittedly sometimes it does look bleak but I'm not that pessimistic. I think we can and will change this.

With that said given current policies a shooting war with Russia and their allies is 99.95% likely within the next six months. We need to be working on strategies to try and make sure we win. In this case, that means we survive and get to continue to exist. There's certainly nothing to actually be gained here.

Anonymous said...

Caecus said...
Ironic how you bring up Hitler when it's certain Ukrainian groups who like to fly Nazi flags, shoulder patches and use other Nazi symbols

caecus (Latin)
Origin & history
From Proto-Indo-European *káykos‎ ("one-eyed"). Cognates include Gothic 𐌷𐌰𐌹𐌷𐍃‎, Old Irish cáech‎ ("one-eyed"), caoch ("blind").

a) Russia has thousands upon thousands of skinheads.

b) Why mention Hitler? Because he is recent like Stalin or Mao. People know a little something about him. I have read more about him that the other two criminals. Most importantly I know about Hitler more than the others and I think from my readings I know how he thought.

Hitler was not exceptional. He was rather pedestrian. When you read his history, you can see the psychology. Nothing special. Just mundane evil writ large due to high office.

Bringing up Hitler brings in Godwin's law, but again, most people have read a little something about Hitler. Mao not so much.