Thursday, December 30, 2021

PBS AllowsThe US Official Responsible For Setting The Ukraine Crisis In Motion To Blame It On Russia


Mike Madden, Consortium News: How Not to Explain the Ukraine Crisis 

The PBS NewsHour invited on just about the worst person in the U.S. government to help Americans understand the crisis in Ukraine, writes Mike Madden.  

U.S. Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland, who choreographed the 2014 coup that overthrew Ukraine’s democratically-elected government and set the current crisis in motion, was invited by PBS NewsHour on Dec. 7 to explain the standoff in Ukraine. 

Typical of Western media, the story began with Russia’s involvement in eastern Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea, which took place in March 2014. The crisis actually began a week earlier with the violent overthrow of democratically-elected President Viktor Yanukovych on Feb. 22, 2014. While accusations flew of Russian aggression, invasion and annexation, there was not a word about the U.S. instigated coup or Nuland’s role in it. 

For the sin of declining a Western aid package loaded with austerity measures, and accepting instead an unencumbered Russian package, Yanukovych became a target for U.S. regime change. Undersecretary Nuland’s role in the coup is essential to the story.  

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Long time readers of this blog know that I blame her for precipitating the disaster that Ukraine has been going through since 2014. The above post gives a good summary on why. 

This is why I am always skeptical of the mainstream media. There is no challenge or questioning of powerful government figures in any meaningful way. It is only a platform to cast government actions in the best possible light. 

The interview with U.S. Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland begins at the 11:45 mark in the above video.


Anonymous said...

Russia poisons Viktor Yushchenko on2004 with dioxin, but Nuland is the problem?

Anonymous said...

Imagine Putin sending advisors and key government officials to the January 6 protests, and forcing out Biden and installing "our guy" Trump?

Now that would be an alt reality movie!

Anonymous said...


If you knew everything that FBI did, everyone the FBI talked to who were at the protests, you would know the majority of what went down and why? It would stink as much as the Whitmer case. But keep flatulating.

Anonymous said...

Russia isn't to blame for the Ukraine crisis.

Russia is however to blame for escalating the crisis and seizing it as an opportunity.

That's the sinking boat that we find ourselves in.

Anonymous said...

But Freddy loves Nuland, don't you Freddy!