Saturday, December 4, 2021

President Biden Says He Won’t Accept Russian President Putin's Red Line In Ukraine


RT: Biden dismisses Russia’s ‘red lines’ 

US President Joe Biden has vowed to hold lengthy talks with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, on the issue of Ukraine, but insists he will accept no warnings about “red lines” from Moscow. 

“We’ve been aware of Russia’s actions [concerning Ukraine] for a long time and my expectation is we’re going to have a long discussion with Putin,” Biden said on Friday night as he left for Camp David. 

“I don’t accept anybody’s red lines,” the president added in apparent reference to the position Moscow reasserted earlier this week as several Western publications suggested a military showdown in Ukraine was imminent.  

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WNU Editor: The US can have "red lines" but not Russia? 

President Biden Says He Won’t Accept Russian President Putin's Red Line In Ukraine 

Biden says he does not accept anybody’s red lines referring to Ukraine -- TASS  

Russia Ukraine: Biden warns Russia against Ukraine 'red lines' -- BBC 

‘Will NOT accept red lines’ Biden in direct attack on Putin- war fears grow ahead of talks -- Express 

Joe Biden Rejects Vladimir Putin’s ‘Red Line’ in Ukraine -- Breitbart


Anonymous said...

WNU Editor: The US can have "red lines" but not Russia?

That is a very naive comment. The Democrat leadership are pathological. Some Republicans may be to a lesser extent and the Russian oligarchy is also. The Russians give the Democrats a run for their money, but hands down the Democrats are more pathological.

Feds May Release ‘Alternative’ Mueller (Weissmann) Report Soon to Harass Trump

Democrats understand a good offense is better than a good defense. They are keeping up the pressure with the debunked Steele Report.

Take the worst caricatures of medieval aristocracy in history or Hollywood and the Dems live up to it.

After Telling the Peasants to Wear Masks, Joe Biden Goes Out to Eat Maskless at Posh DC Restaurant Despite Battling Cold

It is very much that red lines are one sided.

Anonymous said...

I too eat at a restaurant and had to take my mask off in order to eat but was fully vaccinated and no tabloids around to raise a fuss.

Anonymous said...

A war with Russia would take a lot of attention away from Biden's disastrous ruining of the US economy, and right about the right time for the US mid term elections.

Anonymous said...

Joe was not merely maskless, when he was shoveling food down his pie hole. He was maskless the entire time.

Also why is it that staff can be fully vaccinated have to wear mask, but Democrats do not?

It is a losing argument and a bad look for Democrats, so please 9:03 keep denying it right up until 2022.


Anonymous said...

Americans seem incapable on the subject of masks. One state says wear masks. In a city within that state, one server wears a mask and another does not. In grocery stores some wear masks and some do not. There is little to no consistency and in many places, business owners or managers seem reluctant to enforce whatever mandates may be in place lest they lose business or have a confrontation.

Anonymous said...

Poor Joe!
he was very close to Trump for the debate back then and Trump had the virus and said nothing, did nothing. But that was ok? called drying to kill an opponent in rather odd but Trumpian manner

Anonymous said...

Bette Midler is that you?

Trump had one false positive and two negative test after the false positive. If you do not know what a false positive or false negative is, then you should refrain from being heard or seen.

Anonymous said...

hitler is alive

Anonymous said...

u hav no brain activity