Thursday, December 2, 2021

President Biden's Claims To Have Served As A 'Liaison' Between Israel And Egypt During The Six-Day War Are Not True

FOX News: Biden claims to have served as a 'liaison' during Six-Day War despite still being in law school at the time 

Biden did meet with Meir six years after the war in 1973 

President Biden said he met with former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir and served as a liaison between Israel and Egypt during the Six-Day War despite still being in law school at the time. 

The president, who spoke during a menorah lighting in celebration of Hanukkah Wednesday at the White House, appeared to be referring to a meeting he had with her just prior to the October 1973 Yom Kippur War. It's not clear what he meant by his role as a "liaison." 

 "I have known every — every prime minister well since Golda Meir, including Golda Meir," Biden said. "And during the Six-Day War, I had an opportunity to — she invited me to come over because I was going to be the liaison between she and the Egyptians about the Suez.

Read more ....  

Update #1: Biden appears to misremember 1973 meeting with Israeli leader (NYPost) 

Update #2: Biden Tells Story of Liaison Meeting with Golda Meir During Six-Day War – Except She Wasn’t Prime Minister Then and He Was In Law School (Mediaite)  

WNU Editor: The U.S. President is getting more and more confused with each passing week. He has his good days when he is sharp. And he has his bad days like this one when he spoke during a menorah lighting in celebration of Hanukkah Wednesday at the White House. 

He has repeated his story on meeting Golda Meir many times in the past (see video below). But it was in 1973 that then US Senator Joe Biden met Israeli PM Gilda Meir, and it was 40 days before the Yom Kippur war. And at that time he was critical of Israel's policies towards the occupied territories .... When Biden met Golda: New details emerge of storied encounter on the eve of war (Times Of Israel). 


Anonymous said...

Just arrest these people already

We the people of the world don't want to be ruled by thugs and traitors and pedophiles, and from what I know of the US, neither do most over there

It's pathetic to see how long it takes the military to end this embarrassment, deeply offensive treason and moral corruption.

My God how deep have they fallen.
Before violence happens, the military men and women who swore an oath to the constitution(!!) - NOT A MAN OR WOMAN OR INSTITUTION- need to end this immediately and make the necessary arrests.


You're an insult to prior service men who died for your freedom if you do not end this and hold new elections with clear voter ID and most importantly trial these people immediately

They're traitors and mass murderers, do you understand?

It's not if you want or feel like it, it's your duty and responsibility as humans with souls and a moral compass to act

If you're a leader, lead
If you're a supporter, support

We need all of you now

Anonymous said...

Is Fred still alive after taking the "vaccine"? What about Jac? Haven't heard from them in a while here

RussInSoCal said...

Samuel Langhorne Clemens once said, "It's not what you don't know that gets you in trouble. It's what you know for certain that just ain't so."

Anonymous said...

Here's what we know
These "vaccines" are not vaccines
These "vaccines" do not stop the spread
These "vaccines" however cause massive short and even more so mid term health issues, life changing injuries and death

Our so called leadership has openly declared war on its population and betrayed the nations and laws and norms it swore to protect

Anonymous said...

Jac is fine I think, Fred was never fine, but hope he's still alive, even if he talked others into taking these shots.. he couldn't know

Anonymous said...

Of course he couldn't know. He does not have the intelligence to know.

To check on Fred just type his website name in a web search and notice the dates. You do not have to go there. Then you can see if the whatever is still alive and kicking.

Anonymous said...

Biden sometimes is in fact confused about the past. But those missteps can not even come close to this from Trump
The president’s utterly baseless claim that the election was stolen from him delayed President-elect Joe Biden’s transition for weeks — hampering the incoming administration’s efforts to prepare for wide-scale vaccine distribution and endangering national security, according to experts.
that is an outright lie with huge consequences!
and it sparked the Jan r6 insurrection! something that will always remain a traitorous incident in American histordy

Anonymous said...

You get zero hits per day at your site?

Anonymous said...

Trump is the only former president who lost the next election and could not admit he lost and continues a year later to pretend he won and so his followers stormed the Capitol to subvert the election. That, now contrast, with Biden.

Anonymous said...

Trump did not tell anyone to storm anything.

The FBIO and Capital police had at least 6 informants, one of whom was egging people on. So you could argue in court that it was entrapment and the FBI was behind the Capital Hill riot. The FBI director should be on the docket.

FBI was shredding paper ballots in Georgia. Ballots which are to be preserved by the federal records act for 2 years. So the FBI violated the law. Looks very much like a cover up. So sure Biden won the vote and elephants can fly.