Thursday, December 9, 2021

Ukraine Military Commanders Admit A Russian Invasion Would Overwhelm Them

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskiy. Photo from President of Ukraine official website  

New York Times: Ukraine Commanders Say a Russian Invasion Would Overwhelm Them 

KYIV, Ukraine — On the 30th anniversary of the founding of Ukraine’s armed forces this week, the country’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, donned a helmet and flak jacket to tour the trenches and announced with great fanfare the delivery of new tanks, armored vehicles and ships to frontline units engaged in fighting Russian forces and Kremlin-backed separatists. 

While the weapons systems may help to maintain parity in the slow-moving war of attrition that has prevailed for years, neither they nor anything else the Ukrainian military can now muster would be sufficient to repel the full-on Russian assault that Ukrainian and Western officials say Moscow appears to be preparing. 

With nearly 100,000 troops now massed across Ukraine’s eastern, northern and southern borders and more on the way, even the Ukrainian officials responsible for their country’s defense acknowledge that without a significant influx of resources, their forces do not stand much of a chance.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: These Ukraine commanders are stating the obvious.  

Update: Tensions between both sides are high .... Russia military chief warns Ukraine against attacking rebels (AP). More here .... Ukrainian navy ship came close to Russian waters off Crimea & refused to change course – Moscow (RT).


Anonymous said...

Yeah, this is not a fair match

fazman said...

The question is will Russia be prepared for the bloody nose. Those javelins and drones will exact a high price.

Caecus said...

the few javelins and Turkish drones won't have any real effect, Russia isn't Armenia

Anonymous said...

It will be the last time any nation agrees to give up their nuclear weapons in exchange for American "security guarantees." First Libya, now Ukraine.

If the Ukrainians had kept some of those nukes Putin would be talking a differnt tune, and probably not talking at all.