Wednesday, December 8, 2021

What Putin Really Told Biden

A photo provided by the White House shows US President Joe Biden, right, at the White House in Washington, as President Vladimir Putin of Russia appears on video monitors during their virtual meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 7, 2021. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, second from right, and other officials also attended. (White House via The New York Times)  

Pepe Escobar, Asia Times: What Putin really told Biden  

Russian and US leaders dropped their respective rhetorical gauntlets but nobody really expects Russia to invade Ukraine  

So Russian President Vladimir Putin, by himself, and United States President Joe Biden, surrounded by aides, finally had their secret video link conference for two hours and two minutes – with translators placed in different rooms. 

That was their first serious exchange since they met in person in Geneva last June – the first Russia-US summit since 2018. 

For global public opinion, led to believe a “war” in Ukraine was all but imminent, what’s left is essentially a torrent of spin. So let’s start with a simple exercise focusing on the key issue of the video link – Ukraine – contrasting the White House and Kremlin versions of what transpired.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: As usual Pepe Escobar's analysis is spot on. Needless to say this is my must read post for tonight.


Anonymous said...

Where's Lapides and his band demanding to know what was said? Something must be different this time, for there seems to be no need for the intrepid Lapides. Oh he's busy with an ex student!

Anonymous said...

That's a great question, where is the relentless pursuer of truth and "girly" boys?

Anonymous said...

Pepe’s overwrought.
Plenty of blame to go around, such as Russia’s conquest of Crimea, sovereign Ukrainian territory.
Obama’s sending Victoria Nuland to forment unrest in Kiev ahead of an election.
Ukrainian bribery of Biden via Hunter Biden.
That little matter of Russian backing separatists in the Donbas with troops and equipment.

Lots of blame. Bottom line, no one has sufficient advantage to get what they want via war.

Anonymous said...

"Washington may deny it ad infinitum, but Ukraine is part of Russia’s sphere of influence. If nothing is done to force Kiev to abide by the Minsk Agreement, "

The US is not party to the Minsk agreement. Germany and France are. Can you spell surrender monkey? Surprised the leaders of France and Germany did not give putin hummers on the spot. Ukraine signed the agreement under duress.

Both Minsk I and Minsk II collapsed. If Macron, Scholzomat and Lurch all sign a Minsk III that ought to do the trick.

Anonymous said...

"Obama’s sending Victoria Nuland to [forment] unrest in Kiev ahead of an election."

Fomenting how?

Nuland voicing "Fuck the Europeans" is hardly bad. Most people complain about their spineless 'leadership.'

Democrats have sent pollsters and operatives to Russia and Israel under Democrat administrations to swing elections.

Russian poisoning of Ukrainian president Viktor Yushchenko will not affect an election?

Of the Russians had succeeded could Viktor Yushchenko have still run for office and formulate policy? Clearly the answer is YES!

So no harm and no foul by the Russians. We have learned in the US that you can literally be President Chauncey.

Anonymous said...

Can anybody spell Hunter?

Anonymous said...

@6:24 AM and @7:15 AM are the same person. Whenever their 'obsession' surfaces on the comment page here, there's always a direct reply to it in relation to their 'obsession'.

Some weird mental cases on this site.

Anonymous said...

Where's Fred? Why is he hiding?

Anonymous said...

Fred, you're back!

Anonymous said...

Nothing gets past you does it?

Anonymous said...

"Over the years, Kiev fulfilled less than zero of these commitments – while the NATO media machine kept spinning that Russia was violating Minsk. Russia is not even mentioned (italics mine) in the agreement. "

"To withdraw illegal armed groups and military equipment as well as fighters and mercenaries from the territory of Ukraine."

"A statue identical to the one to Russian mercenaries in Syria which surfaced in January has now popped up in Luhansk, the capital of the unrecognized “Luhansk People’s Republic” (“LNR”) in the east-Ukrainian region of Donbas. The statue likely features a mercenary from the “Wagner” private military company, which has recently come to light after US airstrikes and an attack of the international anti-IS coalition had reportedly killed large numbers of them in Syria. Many “Wagner” mercenaries had previously fought in Donbas against the Ukrainian government."

Pepe had a brain fart or he is a dumb ass.

It would be preferable that Pepe was hired by a think tank were he could flatulate all day and not do much damage, but to be in the press and write such garbage is harmful.

Anonymous said...

"On January 27, the Imperial Legion society on the Russian social network VKontakte made a post about the death in Libya of a Russian by the name of Vladimir. The Imperial Legion is a division of the Russian Imperial Movement which, as the organization’s coordinator Stanislav Vorobyev admits, sent “about 100 militiamen” to fight in eastern Ukraine during the war in the Donbas."