Saturday, January 15, 2022

Philippines To Acquire Anti-Ship Missile System From India

The new anti-ship system to be acquired from India aims to deter foreign vessels from encroaching on the Philippines' 200-nautical-mile (370km) exclusive economic zone [File: Adnan Abidi/Reuters]  

Reuters: Philippines to acquire missile system from India for $375 million 

MANILA (Reuters) - The Philippines has finalised a deal to acquire a shore-based anti-ship missile system from India for nearly $375 million to beef up its navy, the Southeast Asian nation's defence minister said. 

The Philippines is in the late stages of a five-year, 300 billion pesos ($5.85 billion) project to modernise its military's outdated hardware that includes warships from World War Two and helicopters used by the United States in the Vietnam War. 

 Under the deal negotiated with the government of India, Brahmos Aerospace Private Ltd will deliver three batteries, train operators and maintainers, and provide logistics support, Defence Secretary Delfin Lorenzana said in a Facebook post late on Friday.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The Philippines will be needing a lot of missiles .... China has built the world's largest navy. Now what's Beijing going to do with it? (CNN). 

 Philippines To Acquire Anti-Ship Missile System From India  

PH agrees to buy anti-ship missile system from India for nearly $375M -- CNN  

India Sells Antiship Missiles to the Philippines as Concern Over China Grows -- WSJ

Philippines agrees to buy India anti-ship missile system -- AFP  

Philippines Becomes First Foreign Buyer of Indo-Russian BrahMos Anti-Ship Missile -- Sputnik


Anonymous said...

The Phillipines does not have to win against China mono e mono. All they have to do is hurt China bad enough, to hold them off long enough, to make a dogpile look feasible.

There was no Kingdom of Van before the Assyrians. It has been speculated that the raiding by the Assyrians on the local tribes caused them to set aside differences and create the Kingdom of Van.

Mao, Lenin, The Founding Fathers and the famous leaders did a lot of reading of history. It helps from time to time to re-read history. There are new digs, new archeological techniques. Maybe China would want to reconsider its good neighbor, bad neighbor strategy.

Kudos with The Phillipines going with India, which they can afford better. Wars are not always won with bleeding edge tech.

hackinfo_369 said...

this is great because it means not depending on China and USA

Anonymous said...

Philippines is probably the most corrupt nation on the Earth. Likely this deal with India was only made for the procurement officers to embezzle millions.

Anonymous said...

Is The Philippines the most corrupt nation on earth?

See this:
Fat Leonard Scandal

In "If This Goes On—" Zeb tells the protagonists, John Lyle, the truth of the way things work. Zeb explains John has to be corrupt to get promoted. Zeb explains you have to be corrupt so the system has something on you to explain to the masses why they got rid of you. It is in the first 10 or 20 pages of the story.

I believe that WNU has explained that this is in part how the CCP works. If you are caught for spying, they charge you with embezzlement, which they knew about for years. That way a potentially embarrassing situation such as the CIA penetrating the CCP is avoided. It never happened. The elite know it did, but the masses do not. Also the elite can make a an announcement about dealing with corruption. So that is a small win.

In Russia even during the Soviet times there was a strong relationship between Soviet officials and organized crime. Sure a lot of criminals got to serve time in the prison, but how do you explain the survival under such repression?