Tuesday, January 18, 2022

President Biden: 'Dr. King’s Assassination Did Not Have The Worldwide Impact That George Floyd’s Death Did'

WNU Editor: Wow!


B.Poster said...

To the best I can tell, the "world" doesn't care about the death of the not so gentle giant George Floyd's death. Of course no one really respects our leadership class. Perhaps when MLK Jr died our leadership class was respected.

Today our leadership class wants war with Russia, China, and their allies. No one wants this except them. Would MLK have supported this nonsense. I think the conventional wisdom among our enemies is he would have.

I think they are right. Times have changed. His family should condemn our current ridiculous policy towards Russia. Our leadership class will listen to them.

Bobs a dopey commenter said...

You cannot get more delusional on reality than “let’s go Brandon” absolute twat…one of those blokes fought for freedom and the other a criminal and a terror to society.
Shows what side this administration is on. Even Fred can figure that out, right Fred?

Adam said...

And also, someone's long-winded take missed the mark again

Blob said...

the answer is out there

Anonymous said...

Countless innocent lives lost because of the lies the media propagated, the division they festered...
CNN,msnbc,npr,wapo, ny times etc conducted such crimes against their own citizens.

May God have mercy on everyone who works for these people and stood by while they broadcasted lie after lie for months and years prior

I hope they get all trialled and long prison times for what they've done. About 30 people died from this. 2bn dollar damages, hundreds injured...

Despicable scum

Anonymous said...

Bobs a dopey commenter,

never knew what the slang word twat meant until 2nd year in high school. looked up the word recently. It is rather interesting. There is actually a town named Twat. The word has a cognate in the name Thwaite. It means cut in the woods. If you are on a road in the woods and trees have been cut down on both sides, that is a twat.

of course the slang meaning is vulgar, but somehow it does not do justice to someone as low a Joe Biden. It also causes harm to women.

I suggest we come up with a different word or a new word to describe someone as evil as Biden.

Dave Goldstein said...

what a maroon, no chance of getting reelected.

Anonymous said...

he wasn't --> it was fraud.