Thursday, January 13, 2022

WHO Says Omicron Cases Are ‘Off The Charts’

CNBC: WHO says omicron cases are ‘off the charts’ as global infections set new records 

* The World Health Organization reported record numbers of cases of Covid-19 globally for a single week amid the omicron surge. 

* A report from the WHO published Tuesday noted that the highest numbers of new cases over the week came from the U.S., with 4.6 million new cases. 

* But hospitalizations are lower than in previous surges, though the death rate remains unsustainably high. 

A record 15 million new Covid-19 infections were reported across the globe in a single week as omicron rapidly replaces delta as the dominant variant across the globe, and “we know this is an underestimate,” World Health Organization Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told reporters at a press briefing Wednesday. 

 “The sheer volume of cases is putting a burden on health-care systems,” said Maria Van Kerkhove, WHO’s technical lead on Covid-19. “Even though omicron is less severe than delta, it is still putting people in the hospital. 

It is still putting people into ICU and needing advanced clinical care. It is still killing people.”  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: This has always been the case .... WHO says omicron is life threatening for unvaccinated, elderly and people with underlying conditions (CNBC).

The latest WHO Covid-19 update is below: 


Anonymous said...

If WHO and other basturds used a PCR test for rhinovirus on everyone, they would get similar case counts.

If we test all cancer patients, everyone coming into the emergency room and other people who are patients and if they test positive for rhinovoirus and they die, we could get the same death counts (ballpark).

There is a lot of dishonesty going around here.

B.Poster said...

Anon (10:222),

Nailed it!! Obviously there is a massive political component to this.