Friday, February 25, 2022

An Angry Russian President Putin Tells Ukrainian Troops To Overthrow Their Own Government


WNU Editor: In the above video Russian President Putin does not look like a person who wants to negotiate an end to the war.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How many wars and incursions under Putin?
now Ukraine again

And each time it was an embarrassment.
Remember Georgia? The takeaway for many was how bad Russian troops operated - despite overwhelming advantages.

My my... the myth of the strong Russian military haha
Nukes is not everything

You need courage
You need discipline

AND, importantly -- and this cannot be understated -- you need God and country on your side. A moral high ground. They have neither

It was over before it started
You can invade quickly and it looks great the first few hours, but then, when the population rises and asymmetric warfare takes over, you quickly understand why it's difficult to not just invade but control territory

This is an embarrassment already and yet again