Saturday, February 26, 2022

What Did The Americans Expect!!!!

WNU Editor: I guess there are still some in Washington who see the Chinese government as partner to trust in doing the U.S. bidding. 

OMG!!!! What are they thinking in Washington?


Alex said...

LOL this is embarrassing.

B.Poster said...

While the so called backlash against Russia, has been much more than I would have expected, it still seems relatively mild compared to some other things. For example, either by accident or design the Chinese very likeky released a pandemic on us yet the response of world leadership has been to treat China with kid gloves.

Also, suppose the US chose to take military action to try and halt the invasion from South of our borders. As the editor likes to say, here's an easy prediction. The rage directed against America would be far greater than anything currently being directed against Russia.

B.Poster said...

As Americans we've become used to our government doing embarrassing things.

Anonymous said...

With Trump out and Biden in, they said that the adults were back in the room.

They did not tell us the adults were all special needs, demented or had Alzheimers.

Jac said...

Either Russia or China it is always about Hunter. We are with our both hands stuck on our back.

B.Poster said...

There's more than just Hunter. There's Mitt Romney associates and likeky many others. If a threat to them is perceived, the US leadership class will deploy nukes to protect them.

Anonymous said...

Truck convoy protesting vaccine mandates pulls plug before reaching Missouri | Politics |