Friday, March 11, 2022

Europe's Economy Is Reeling From The Russia - Ukraine War

Bloomberg: Shockwaves Spread as Europe’s Economy Reels at Energy Fallout 

Two weeks since Russia began Europe’s biggest conflict since World War II, businesses across the continent are already in varying stages of despair at the consequences on livelihoods. 

A crisis of human suffering in Ukraine, whose wider economic impact prompted European Central Bank officials to quicken their withdrawal from stimulus this week, is affecting prosperity from the farmlands of Spain to the euro zone’s manufacturing core in Germany and France. 

Surging energy costs are the central complaint, though disrupted supply chains, sanctions and worries about a looming demand drop are also weighing on enterprises. The abrupt shock of war nearby, combined with broad effects and an uncertain duration, will pile pressure on governments to cushion the blow as well as testing their resolve to confront Russia.  

Read more ....  

Update: How Russia's war could knock out Europe's economy (CNN)  

WNU Editor: Goldman Sach's assessments are grim .... Goldman Sachs predicts what will happen to Europe’s economy if Putin shuts off the gas taps (CNBC).


Anonymous said...

It almost seems as this 5th generational warfare/information warfare is actively being spread through social media with the intent purpose to destroy our own economies

Just as the covid lockdowns were primarily hurting our own economies, especially small businesses and the middle class -- both things that according to Klaus Schwab / the great reset writer must be eradicated before the new "stakeholder capitalism" can take over (in which the stakes are held by about 50 families, ruling over democracies as if they were kingdoms).. they absorbed all our wealth then and now during this new crisis they seem to amp up through their facebook and youtube and twitter rules

Anonymous said...

That's what it's about

Concentration of power and wealth

You and I will pay for it, the big manufacturers will get a bailout "stick it to putin" will be the motto.

But in fact, you and I get the stick up our asses

Putin makes bank thanks to the oil price hike

The Russian people get impoverished

The American people get impoverished

The European people get impoverished

The African and Middle Eastern people get fcked/starvation style

Anonymous said...

The Saudi and other crown princes and royal families across the middle east will make BILLIONS thanks to the oil price hike

Our inbred royals will make billions too - leeching our last few drops of blood as they always have over the centuries, reinstating in essence feudalism.. what else is this?

They OWN EVERYTHING SOON and if you speak out against them, you will be disappeared - off social media, off any banking, off any transportation once the electric grid is in place.

You will get an AI camera installed in your home which will monitor you 24/7 for wrong think.

Think I'm exaggerating?

The biggest phone telemarketer in India rolled out exactly this to its 2 million employees during covid. AI Cameras in every room, including the bedroom, so that you don't slack off when you work from home during lockdown. Or have wrong-think.

Fuck this

We MUST come together and end this inbred rule over us. These vampire like creatures that suck out the human spirit and enrich themselves while stepping over our corpses

Anonymous said...

Spoiler alert; Putin needs to keep a shiv in the enemies side. Hes not gonna turn off the gas.