Friday, March 4, 2022

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- March 4, 2022 Global Weapons Pipeline into Ukraine Is Being Managed by US European Command 

The military's U.S. European Command has become the organizer of a global coalition of nations sending weapons and security aid to Ukraine as it fends off Russia's efforts to conquer the country.

The command, based in Germany under Air Force Gen. Tod Wolters, is coordinating shipments to the war zone from 14 countries. 

That includes the latest $350 million in aid from the U.S., as well as newly pledged support from Germany and Sweden, as outrage over Russian President Vladimir Putin's move on Ukraine intensifies. 

Read more .... 

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- March 4, 2022  

Deep Dive on the Program to Deliver Javelins to Ukraine -- Jack Murphy, CV  

Ukraine’s Drones Are Doing Serious Damage to Russia’s Military -- 19FortyFive  

Northern Black Sea Is Now A ‘Warlike Area’ As Navy Fails To Protect Shipping In NATO Waters -- gCaptain  

Shoigu and Gerasimov: Masters of Putin's wars -- France 24  

NATO Must Defend Its Weakest Point—the Suwalki Corridor -- John R. Deni, Foreign Policy  

Ukraine: On board a Nato surveillance plane monitoring Russian activity -- BBC  

NATO brings Finland, Sweden on board for all Ukraine conflict discussions -- Defense News

Neutral Finland, Sweden Warm to Idea of NATO Membership --  

Ukraine receives more armed drones amid Russian invasion -- Military Times

US delays some intel to Ukraine in Russia war, lawmakers say -- Military Times  

Pentagon establishes communication line with Russians amid war in Ukraine -- Stars and Stripes  

US F-35s and allies conduct air policing operations out of Baltic countries -- Defense News

Stunned by Putin’s war, nations rewrite their playbooks on defense -- Defense News  

White House seeks new $10B Ukraine fund with half for Pentagon -- Defense News  

Ukraine War Sparks Call for Billions More in Pentagon Funding --  

‘No doubt’ US defense budget getting ‘bigger’ after Russia’s Ukraine invasion: HASC chair -- Breaking Defense  

US Air Force not concerned about Russia’s decision to halt rocket engine sales, support -- Defense News  

Space Command looking to ground, ship-based missile defense radars to improve monitoring -- Breaking Defense  

First B-21 Raider Is Now Undergoing Calibration Tests As Official Rollout Approaches -- Warzone/The Drive  

First B-21 bomber enters ground testing, ‘on track for first flight’ -- Defense News  

First B-21 Moves to New Hangar for Loads Calibration -- Air Force Magazine  

US Navy confident it can fix its fighter jet shortfall — and avoid another -- Defense News 

 F-18 Crashes and Explodes at Former South Carolina Gov's Family Plantation; Pilots Eject Safely --  

Navy upping its aircraft goals beyond former defense secretary Mattis’ 80% readiness challenge -- Defense News  

Pacific Air Forces boss watching ‘like a hawk’ for Taiwan invasion -- Military Times  

Navy says China fight is most likely in 2020s, sharpening its focus on readiness -- Defense News 

 Kendall: Despite Russian invasion, China remains military’s top challenge -- Defense News  

Two years of COVID for VA: 609,000 cases, 21,000 deaths -- Military Times  

Polish Navy chooses Arrowhead 140 design for new frigates -- Defense News  

South Korean military drone hits water tower at US Army outpost in Busan -- Stars and Stripes


Andrew Jackson said...


Anonymous said...

Angry Leftist on ‘The View’ Openly Makes the Case to Abolish the US Constitution, Calls it a “Trash” Document That Was “Written By Slavers and Colonists and Whites” – (VIDEO)

Leftist is a misnomer. Elie Mystal of "The Nation" and ABC's "The View" are well within the mainstream of the fascist Democrat Party.

Anonymous said...

FOOD WARS: Russia Bans Fertilizer Exports to Crush Global Markets – Hungary bans All Grain Exports

Almost everything a money grubbing, illogical Democrat touches contains petroleum. They have know plan on how to replace it. They do claim to have a plan to replace natural gas, oil and coal for energy production. So there is that. It is a shit plan, but they have a plan.

Anonymous said...

"According to Rienshe, grocery prices may increase up to $1,000 per month due to Russia’s sanctions on fertilize"

Truss in S. Slovenia said...

Director of nonprofit behind ‘People’s Convoy’ pleaded guilty to fraud - The

Anonymous said...

Is 7:17 Fred or a Fred copycat. It sure looks like a comment made by Fred. It is illogical and ungrammatical. Those a Fred hallmarks.

1) I did not mention sanctions.

2) Pointing something out in the real world does not mean or are pro or con anything.

3) The US can get around the Russian embargo by rampo9ng up US oil and fertilizer production.

Fred, did you honestly think no one would see through your false dichotomy? Maybe you did not intend a false dichotomy. Maybe you just could not reason past step one.

Why did you comment. Because you though that the information might hurt your precious Joe Biden or simply put, YOUR PRECIOUS. It will and there is nothing you are I can do about it. Biden is a decaying pigheaded know it all and the people around him are pigheaded know-it-alls.

Enjoy your grocery bill. You will get thinner.

Anonymous said...

"Biden takes a shot at Manchin for claiming Build Back Better is 'all about social spending' and says he misses being a professor at Penn University - even though he didn't teach any classes - in interview for Substack "

This is so bad.

Anonymous said...

"He said in another comment to Richardson – who prefaced questions with long historical propositions – 'You make me miss being a professor at Penn ... I really enjoyed teaching and writing.'

In fact Biden had an honorary professor position and gave some lectures at the Penn Biden Center, but didn't teach a class, according to the Daily Pennsylvanian. "

Were Biden's speeches as good as Chelsea's performance for her $600,000 gig? Are the speeches available for perusal?

Anonymous said...

a true Trumper! Childre and women being slaughtered and all you worry about is the cost of your diapers
ho ho ho
1. call those who do not believe as you do names nonstop
2. never offer a program, a comment to think about, a solid idea
3. find some silly item on a rightwing site and ask why the MSM will not talk about it (tip: because is nonsense and invalid )
4. a solution to all problems: hang someone!
5. when a comment is made you dislike (because it is true, badmouth the commenter, call him or her names, and of course do not address the comment

those are the hallmarks of rightwing Trumpers.

Anonymous said...

ok children. Let's see how you handle this!

Pence hits Trump: No room in GOP for 'apologists for Putin' | AP News
1. Oh. Pence. He is "a pikece of shit."
2. He would not even break the law and say Trump won electoral college.
3. Pence is __________________
4. He is now officially a RINO
5.d etc etc etc

Anonymous said...

What a loser.

Anonymous said...

You want a reply to this!?!?!! Are you serious???

Anonymous said...

Lapides: "2. never offer a program, a comment to think about, a solid idea"

Me: "The US can get around the Russian embargo by ramping up US oil and fertilizer production."

Replacing loss of Russian fertilizer with American product would fill the hole or go a long ways.
So you definitely lied in #2.

Anonymous said...

oh legit comment where an exception is found and the usual asshole snark, proving my point.
fuck off. I win.

Andrew Jackson said...

Death to Putler! May God curse Russia!

Anonymous said...

oh legit comment where an exception is found

No, It is the one I replied to. The rest of it was Bullshit by you also

By replying to one point and refuting with facts, you admitted you were wrong. If I had replied to every point of your BULLSHIT, you would have ignored it or deflected.

We know how you operate Fred.