Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Putin Declares That Russia Will Only Accept Rubles As Payment For Gas From 'Unfriendly' Countries


Daily Mail: British gas prices rise as Putin declares that Russia will only accept roubles as payment for gas from 'unfriendly' countries in retaliation for sanctions 

* British gas prices rose today after Russia said 'unfriendly' states to pay in roubles 

* Vladimir Putin said he made the decision as sanctions 'destroyed Moscow's trust' 

* States include US, EU member states, UK, Japan, Ukraine, South Korea, Norway 

* The move could lead to renegotiation of contracts, leading to supply disruptions 

* It could also boost the Russian currency which tumbled after launching invasion 

British gas prices have risen after Vladimir Putin declared today that Russia will only accept roubles as payment from 'unfriendly' countries in retaliation for sanctions imposed over his invasion of Ukraine. 

'Russia will continue, of course, to supply natural gas in accordance with volumes and prices... fixed in previously concluded contracts,' Putin said, adding that sanctions had 'destroyed Moscow's trust'. 

'The changes will only affect the currency of payment, which will be changed to Russian roubles' for a list of countries, corresponding to those that have imposed sanctions.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Even before this announcement the Ruble was stabilizing .... Rouble firms past 100 vs dollar after Putin announces gas currency switch (Reuters). It closed today at 89.5 rubles to the US Dollar, not far from the 75 rubles/dollar that it was before the invasion. Check here for the latest Ruble/U.S. exchange rate (link here). 

The significance of this news is that it tells me that the Bank of Russia's efforts to bring stability to the currency and lessen the impact of sanctions are working. This announcement that Russian gas and oil must be paid in Rubbles will only strengthen the currency further. 

Putin Declares That Russia Will Only Accept Rubles As Payment For Gas From 'Unfriendly' Countries 

Putin orders to supply gas to unfriendly countries for rubles only -- TASS

Putin wants rubles for Russian gas -- RT  

Putin Orders Ruble Payments for Energy, Says West’s Freeze on Russian Reserves Undermined Currencies -- Sputnik  

Putin Orders Europe to Pay Rubles for Russian Gas -- Moscow Times  

Putin wants ‘unfriendly countries’ to pay rubles for gas -- AP  

Russia to require gas payments in rubles -- Politico Putin says 'unfriendly' countries must now pay for Russian natural gas in rubles -- The Hill


Anonymous said...

Putin to pass gas
hold noses

Anonymous said...

They have the oil, they have the gas. This didn't take long.

Anonymous said...

Well it helps if you have a traitor (Biden) in the oval office, sabotaging your energy supply

Remember, it was his first executive action to stop the keystone pipeline, for you know "climate change and environmental concerns" .. and then they buy from Saudi Arabia and Russia, hostile nations.

Saudi Arabia financed the 9/11 event and most of the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia. What did Bush and Obama do? Bomb civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq. Leading to a worsening of the terror threat and weakening of moral leadership globally.

And the environmental impact is WORSE if you look at a) how gas and oil are extracted in Saudi Arabia and Russia and b) ship it from across the globe.

But it's about carbon emissions they tell you. Not about sabotaging the US energy supply. Not about forcing you to accept the electric grid super control system that they can use to render your ass immobile if you commit wrong think and your social credit score doesn't allow you enough carbon credit to use your car, or your heater or your A/C.

It's high treason and a betrayal of human freedom and democracy what they have in plan for you. All under the pretext of climate change. In the 80s they used Leonard Nimoy(Spock, remember him?) to sell you global cooling. Just YouTube it, you'll find his fearmongering video clip there.

They will not relent until you make them.

Anonymous said...

yea. sure. Bogan at work

Anonymous said...

Chyup, it's over.

History will remember Biden for trashing the petrodollar for his crackhead son's little pet colony. It's still going to be a while before the yuan overtakes as the reserve currency but this summer there is going to be a lot less demand for US dollars. Prepare for harder times and a lower standard of living.

Anonymous said...

ass grass or gas no free rides

K said...

This is so funny!