Saturday, March 5, 2022

Ukraine War A ‘Catastrophe’ For Global Economy

The Russian rouble hit record lows with the US dollar. Photograph: Mikhail Metzel/TASS  

The Guardian: Ukraine war a ‘catastrophe’ for global economy as stock markets plunge 

Moscow stock exchange remained closed during the week, while the rouble fell to record lows 

The London stock market has suffered its biggest weekly losses since the start of the global pandemic in March 2020, as investors took fright at the escalation of the conflict in Ukraine. 

Shares plunged in the City following news of a fire and Russian capture of Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia nuclear power station, with the one-day drop of more than 250 points in the FTSE 100 index taking the weekly loss to 6.7%. 

European bourses also recorded big falls amid concerns that the impact of the fighting in Ukraine would spread westwards across the continent. 

David Malpass, president of the World Bank, told the BBC the war was a “catastrophe” for the global economy. 

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The supply chains are in chaos .... Russia’s invasion of Ukraine leaves global trade in tatters (AP). And this is not going to help .... White House Considering Ban On Russian Crude Which Pinoeer CEO Warns Would Send Oil To $200 (Zero Hedge).


RussInSoCal said...

But wait! We've been told repeatedly by the Biden mouthpiece that the amount of Russian oil imported into the US is so minuscule that it has no real effect one way or the other.

There really is no way to avoid two things right now; $200 bbl oil and the fall of Ukraine. It could have been avoided a year ago, but not now. And not with these cowardly half measures.

Biden has been a true gift to Putin.

Anonymous said...

I paid $5.15 a gallon tonight here in San Diego.

Bobs a dopey commenter said...


Anonymous said...

The leftists really aren't far off from what Putin is.

Putin silence opposition as do leftists.

Putin declares what words are valid as do leftists.

Putin rigs elections as do leftists.

Anonymous said...

Well...I think another release from our petroleum storage program should get those gas prices down to where they should be and Joe is the man to do it.

Cough. Wheeze.

Anonymous said...

My gas prices went up 45 cents...who gives a shit about the death of so many people and the million refugees! me me me me

Anonymous said...

Former Vice President Mike Pence urged Republicans to move on from the 2020 election and declared that “there is no room in this party for apologists for Putin” as he further cemented his break from former President Donald Trump.

Pence, in a speech Friday evening to the party’s top donors in New Orleans, took on those in his party who have failed to forcefully condemn Russian President Vladimir Putin for his unprovoked invasion of Ukraine.

“Where would Russian tanks be today if NATO had not expanded the borders of freedom? There is no room in this party for apologists for Putin,” Pence said, according to excerpts from the speech, which was closed to reporters. “There is only room for champions of freedom.”

Pence did not directly reference the former president. But Trump has repeatedly used language that has been criticized as deferential to Putin, including calling the Russian leader “smart” while insisting the attack never would have happened on his watch.

Anonymous said...

Putin made billions thanks to Biden
The Russian people get poorer

Sounds familiar?

They are doing the same to us

We got poorer, while they absorbed trillions during covid


They're openly talking about subverting our government's, to introduce chaos, to then offer solutions to a desperate impoverished population



Anonymous said...

Fred = 7:04 = 7:45 = 7:46 = Fred

May is Jewish heritage month. Perhaps an atheist, who is culturally Jewish (???) whatever that means, might look up the Haber process.

Does Fred know what the Haber process is. Further Fred could learn Liebig's law of the minimum. Plants need nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Every year Is can see phosphorous dumped on the fields from the roadway. People not from the Midwest and who live in metropolitan areas never see the "inputs" that go into farming. Democrat like Mile Bloomberg think all you have to do is poke a whole in the ground, drop a seed, wait for the plant to grow and harvest it. Bloomberg thinks the average person with no talent can farm.

We will see this year how utterly wrong Mike Bloomberg and other Democrats are.

Without the Haber process there will be no population bomb. There will be a population bust. There will be riots and demonstration that will make the OWS, Tea Party, ANTIFA, Arab Spring look like child's play. Unlike OWS, ANTIFA and the George Floyd riots the Democrats won't be able to turn them on or off. Yes, Democrats pay for riots. It is a political stratagem for them.

Making fertilizer from natural gas, you learn terms like feedstock. Well the Russians won't sell the fertilizer or feedstock. Subsequently grain yields will be lower. People will go hungry or starve.

Meanwhile Biden and his pirate crew will prevent oil and gas exploration on Federal land while begging with kneepads for foreign country to pump more oil.

Then they will wonder why wars are breaking out.

Anonymous said...

World population with and without synthetic nitrogen fertilizers

Without synthetic fertilizer half the world is gone. 4 billion people.

Of course Russia does not provide half the world's fertilizer(?). Does it?

AS one source is precluded others sources will be incentivized to come online. But that will take time. It might take a year or more to replace it all, to ramp up. You could have a loot of riots, coups, and wars in the meantime, Each coup or war becomes a pretext for the next one.

Meanwhile the White House is always a day late or a dollar short with military aid or growing aback bone.

Anonymous said...

Of course they work together, you only caught up to this now? Alex Jones has been documenting it for 20 years(!) and has been ridiculed as conspiracy theorist.

They have been at it for decades, it goes back to the club of Rome meeting, but the original plans to collapse the World economies into 3 areas is about 100 years old.
They have been at it for longer than you realize.

It's basically old feudalist families, monarchs, royalties who also own many of the large investment arms like black rock and van guard, commanding trillions and trillions.

I describe it to people like the Monopoly game.
WE are playing this game, but it's called capitalism... they let us believe that Feudalism is over - but in reality it never went away. They never went away. They owned so much land at the beginning of the formal introduction of capitalist models that the "game" (think of it as Monopoly) was fixed from the get go. You never were meant to be free. YOU were meant to work for them in a fake democracy, where they run our politicians.

Time to wake up guys.

If you do not think we should hang them, for impoverishing us, for destroying entire countries and pitting us against another, who would you hang?

They have killed millions among themselves.
They are behind most wars.
They are like vampires, parasites leeching off the work of mankind.

And in the upcoming 4th industrial revolution, they write in their own books that they want to get rid of many, many more.

If you don't realize what kind of game they play, you will never win. They hold all the cards, then on top cheat, murder and steal and you defend them?

Jesus, people are stupid

Anonymous said...

people are stupid
hang everyone
I have the answers
this one and that one does not know what know and thus I am so bright
It is all Biden's fault
Trump could fix things. Just look at the wall he built that was paid for by Mexico
Are we tired of winning?

Anonymous said...

Why China’s Banks Won’t Come to Russia’s Rescue - WSJ

Anonymous said...

There's always a village idiot who comes to the defence of the people that enslave and kill everyone

They're literally destroying our societies, culture and values and you defend these monsters


They literally write about enslaving us. Literally talk about ending human rights. Literally talk about ending our right to own property and have basic things like privacy and you STILL have not caught on.

You still think it's a game while they collapse our economies AS THEY SAID THEY WOULD DO

Like are you mentally retarded?
Seriously, please reflect on what you want for humanity. Do their actions mirror what you want or resemble hell on earth?

Just think. Reflect.
It's not just about you but generations to come.

Anonymous said...

Fred = 7:04 = 7:45 = 7:46 = Fred = 9:06 = 9:08 = Fred

HYPER-partisan Fred

Leaves foot prints in links style syntax, timing etc.

Fred is the cleverest anon, who just cannot somehow post as unknown, but he does display all his shortcomings. Every last one.

Anonymous said...

Biden takes a shot at Manchin for claiming Build Back Better is 'all about social spending' and says he misses being a professor at Penn University - even though he didn't teach any classes - in new interview

What a maroon.

Derr, I never taught in a classroom, but I remember the days, when I taught in the classroom.

Dementia patient and President selected by fraud.

Anonymous said...

running out of names to call? try making a comment that addresses issues. All you do is show how poorly mommy raised you

Anonymous said...

elected by fraud; prove it. show evidence. how many court cases show Biden won in a landslide.......prove otherwise

Anonymous said...

Won’t Drill Baby Won’t Drill

Anonymous said...
John Bolton: Putin was 'waiting' for possible US withdrawal from NATO
By Caroline Vakil - 03/05/22 08:26 AM EST
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Former national security adviser John Bolton said on Friday that he believes Russian President Vladimir Putin was “waiting” for a possible United States withdrawal from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), claiming former President Trump would have likely made such a move had he been reelected.

Bolton, during a Washington Post Live event, was asked about his memoir, in which he claimed that Trump wanted to leave the military alliance in 2018. The newspaper’s Opinions Editor-at-Large Michael Duffy asked him how close Trump was to withdrawing the United States from NATO.

“Yeah, I had my heart in my throat at that NATO meeting. I didn't know what the president would do. He called me up to his seat seconds before he gave his speech. And I said, 'Look, go right up to the line, but don't go over it',” Bolton replied.

“I sat back down, I had no idea what he’d do. I thought he’d put his foot over it, but at least he didn't withdraw then," he continued. "In a second Trump term, I think he may well have withdrawn from NATO, and I think Putin was waiting for that."

Anonymous said...

Fred = 7:04 = 7:45 = 7:46 = Fred = 9:06 = 9:08 = Fred = 10:54 x2 = 10:57 = Fred

Anonymous said...

go home. mommy wants to spank you for being a bad bad little boy who has nothing to say but to try to belittle others to make himself look big. Not nice. Even your mommy knows you are acting in a way as to display shit DNA

Anonymous said...

Fred = 7:04 = 7:45 = 7:46 = Fred = 9:06 = 9:08 = Fred = 10:54 x2 = 10:57 = Fred = 11:06 = Fred

1) 7:04
2) 7:45
3) 7:46
4) 9:06
5) 9:08
6) 10:54
7) 10:54
8) 10:57
9) 11:06

People will read your 9 comments, read your putdowns, read you complaining about putdowns, etc and draw the proper conclusion



Anonymous said...

Fred Lapides , the village idiot who cheered on medical tyranny, coerced injections and now defends the great reset cabal is too stupid to understand what's going on. Don't waste time on him, he's not worth it, save those who can be saved. Leave the rest to God

Anonymous said...

If that is the case why do you spend all (ALL) of your time, tracking him and commenting on him?
What does that tell us about you?

Anonymous said...

Russ-- you have served your nation in the military.
Do you think it is more important to get nice gas prices than to stop the horrendous killing taking place in Ukraine, and that might soon spread to other nations once belonging to the Soviets?
We Americans made much bigger sacrifices in WWII on the home front than what you are "suffering."

Anonymous said...

High gas prices means more profit for Russian, which means a bigger Russian war chest.

So if Slow Joe Biden would open the oil spigots in America it would decrease Russian profits and also help the American worker. That would be two birds with one stone. But Joe, well he is just slow, slow ... slow.

Anonymous said...

"nice gas prices"

Nice gas prices are not nice to have. They are a must have.

People barely keeping their head above water or drowning in debt, do not care about foreign policy. So if the poobahs do not take care of the national economy, their exhortations over foreign policy fall on deaf ears.

Also, if the US is well supplied with gas, then world prices are affected they go lower, because the US is not drawing form abroad, Thus the price of gas around the world goes down based on real demand and perception. The Russians get less moolah per barrel and it hurts funding their war effort.