Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Danish And Swedish Authorities Have Barred Nord Stream Operators From Inspecting The Damaged Pipelines

Gas leak at Nord Stream 2 as seen from the Danish F-16 interceptor on Bornholm, Denmark September 27, 2022. Danish Defence Command/Forsvaret Ritzau Scanpix/via REUTERS  

Reuters: Nord Stream operators: Authorities won't allow us to inspect damaged pipelines 

MOSCOW, Oct 4 (Reuters) - The operators of two Baltic Sea gas pipelines that linked Russia and Germany until they both sprang major leaks last week said they were unable to inspect the damaged sections because of restrictions imposed by Danish and Swedish authorities. 

Europe is investigating what caused three pipelines in the Nord Stream network to burst in an act of suspected sabotage near Swedish and Danish waters that Moscow quickly sought to pin on the West, suggesting the United States stood to gain. 

Nord Stream 2 AG, Switzerland-based operator of that gas pipeline, said on Tuesday it will examine the condition of the leaking pipelines once a police investigation of the "crime scene" is completed and a cordon is lifted.  

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WNU Editor: The reason being given on why the operators cannot examine their pipelines is that they do not have the right permits?!?!?!? .... Nord Stream operator reports it cannot inspect leaks due to lack of permits (News 360). And the news just get better. Once the paperwork has been forwarded, it will take 30 days (or more) before approval?!?!?!?

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