Monday, October 17, 2022

Most Of Russia's Leaders Are Intelligence Officials

Russia’s Foreign Intelligence (SVR) Director Sergei Naryshkin and Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) head Igor Korobov meeting Russian President Putin. Kremlin Press Service  

NEO: Russian leaders: intelligence officials all the way down 

If true, this article on the Russian leadership is certainly depressing. I have no way to know whether it’s true, but my gut feeling is that it is. 

It makes some interesting points, for example that the reason the Russian higher-ups didn’t stop hundreds of thousands of men from leaving the country to avoid conscription is that the emigration got rid of people who would be troublemakers and protestors anyway, leaving those who are more supportive of the Ukrainian war (and the regime in general) and/or more malleable. So why bother? Those leaving weren’t needed as additional cannon fodder – Russia has plenty of that – even though they tended to be among the more educated in the population. 

Here’s the basic thesis of the article:  

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WNU Editor: Sad to say the U.S. is not the only country in the world that has a "Deep State".

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