Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Afghan Taliban Imposes Sharia Law And Punishments


DW: Afghanistan sees return of brutal punishments under Taliban 

When the Taliban seized power in 2021, many people, including some Western diplomats, expected the fundamentalist group to rule differently this time around. 

A year later, Afghanistan's rulers have proven them wrong. Although analysts didn't expect the Taliban to transform into a liberal outfit, they hoped the group might have become "politically mature" as they seized power in Afghanistan for the second time. 

The hardline group's first stint in power — from 1996 to 2001 — was marked by their massive violations of human rights, public floggings, curbs on women's participation in public life, among other things. 

These were the major concerns for the West before the US invaded Afghanistan in 2001 and toppled the Taliban regime.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: Taliban to impose their interpretation of Sharia law in Afghanistan (CNN)  

Update #2: Taliban lash 12 people before stadium crowd in Afghanistan (AP)  

WNU Editor: There appears to be some bending of sharia law when it comes to opium production. So much for the Taliban's promise to ban this industry .... Afghanistan: Opium cultivation up nearly a third, warns UNODC (UN News).


Anonymous said...

So it turns out that the invasion of Afghanistan was a complete success ... assuming the objective was to delay the inevitable.

Anonymous said...

The goal of the invasion was to punish the 9/11 plotters and prevent another 9/11

If is a qualified success.

Obama bin laden is dead.
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is in prison

There has been no 9/11 for 21 years.

It was not a total success. There have been attacks. I would wager that the 2017 Las Vegas shooting was Al Qaeda approved. There was also the pulse Nightclub shooting.

Anonymous said...

Obama bin laden
mistake or intentional?
It was Obama's go-ahead that got OBL

Anonymous said...

Typing mistake actually caught after 5 more characters typed. Saw it. Corrected it and then changed it back.

Are you sure Obama wanted to get Osama?

"The sweetest sound I know is the Muslim call to prayer." - Barack Obama

Obama has a brother who he ignores. That would be the Christian one. He ignores him except to complain about how poor his brother is. you figure a person with 100 million dollars could spare $1,000 and change his brother's life forever for the better.

Was Obama conflicted about killing Osama? Did Obama order the hit, because he knew a leaked opportunity would be leaked and hurt his career. That would be not be surprising.

Anonymous said...

And how much did we spend for this glorious endeavour Does 2.3 trillion sound right?

Anonymous said...

Alternative name for US mission in Afghanistan....Rat Hole

Anonymous said...

I love paid trollers. I could be worse. They could be prison guards inspecting prisoner's nether regions for contraband.

Anonymous said...

During the Bush years surveillance was set up and so the finished product ended up in Barack Osama's lap with a bow tie.

Career? What career? in bank robbing or something?

The same political machine that put an Alzheimer's patient in the White house could put someone like Barack Osama in the White House.

Since the machine has so much power the election of Obama has to have an asterisk by it much like the batting record of a juiced up baseball player has.

Anonymous said...

You two are arguing about which side of the apple is in better shape.

Wake up and smell the coffee.

The apple is completely rotten.