Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Muscovites Rally Where Leaders Called For Putin To Launch A nuclear Strike Against Washington D.C.

Newsweek: Russian Rally Urges Putin to Strike US With Nuke-Capable Satan II Missile 

A rally recently held in Moscow saw attendees and leaders calling for Russian President Vladimir Putin to launch a nuclear strike against Washington, D.C. 

A clip from the rally was shared to Twitter on Saturday morning by Julia Davis, creator of the Russian Media Monitor and columnist for The Daily Beast. In the video, a man can be seen leading a crowd of people through the streets of Moscow and through chants calling for attacks on Washington. 

"Strike the decision-making centers," the man leading the crowd shouts. "On Washington! A flight task for the Sarmat missile. On Washington! Sarmat, strike the enemy's cities. On Washington!...U.S.A. is the enemy! We will go to heaven as martyrs. They will simply croak."  

Read more ....  

Update #1: Russians demand missile strikes on West in protest singing 'We Will Rock You' by Queen (Daily Star)  

Update #2: Moscow residents march to demand missile strike on Washington and 'enemy cities' (Express) 

WNU Editor: This was a small rally. 50 people? I am not going to lose any sleep on protestors calling for Armageddon. What I am worried about is what will Russia do against the U.S. in conflicts that the U.S. will find itself in the future. 

You can take this to the bank. In the next war the U.S. is involved in, the other side is going to be armed by Russia.


Anonymous said...

Not surprising. There is a train of thought in Russia that existed before the war in certain circles. It has been evolving over the last 15 years and has now come to fruition.

It goes like this.

The West has been dogging us for some time. Supports our enemies, Pushes color revolutions. Unilaterally withdraws from strategic weapon treaties. Puts missile systems in Eastern Europe and more.

Note: ( The list of grievances is long and historically documented. If the situation was reversed , the US would have acted long ago. )

To continue:

A couple of years ago, the Russians had a conference in which they show cased their new weapon systems: robotic subs, SARMAT missiles, hypersonic weapons etc...

The conclusion for some parts of the population:

A. The west continually tries to destroy us and subvert our country....war is inevitable with the west.

B. For the first Time in a long time, We have superior weapons.

C. Conclusion. Therefore since war is inevitable, we should attack NOW while we have weapon superiority. Because eventually the west will catch up. The window of opportunity is small.

This theme of attacking "now" is general conversation in parts of Russia society.

Now when you comment on this...do not go off board and talk about how the West will win and commies will die ..blah blah or how many tanks were produced by Skoda.

The Theme for this trend is....

what are you thoughts about a segment of the Russian population thinking this way? Are they wrong or are they right?

My take, being a fatalist:
In todays political environment.. which is really poisonous, they are not far from wrong.

Why? From casual observation.....

There is an extremely powerful element in the West that wants Russia destroyed. They will not stop until they succeed.

Launch now? yea maybe so. Cut out the cancer while you still can.

Boy, the replies to this are going to be a hoot! Lol

Anonymous said...

Ukraine using 80s and 90s tech donated weapons.

Where are those newer and more advance weapons, to whom they will use it for?

Anonymous said...

Typical press propaganda. Where Leaders...... making it look like political leaders support this effort. No really it meant Leaders of the ralley who are not national or even local politicians
The old bait and switch

Anonymous said...

Ukraine using 80s and 90s tech donated weapons.

The Russians are using T62s (1961)and T72s (1973). So are the Ukrainians. what matters is not the chassis, but the upgrades.

Older tanks sent by former East Bloc countries, who for some odd reason hate Russia, have upgraded fire control systems, engines, armor, etc.

It is not merely a matter of when the tank was originally produced by when & how it was upgraded.

Have a special day 10:25

Restated it not a war of numbers or production date but of numbers and number of upgrades. Is Mammy Russia winning that war?

Some of those Russian upgraded vehicles are now Ukrainian upgrade vehicles. The Russians ran, ran, ran away.

The portable antitank weapons given to the UA are the latest.

Anonymous said...

yeah nobody cares guy