Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Russia - Ukraine War: Military Summary And Analysis For 15.11.2022 (Video)


WNU Editor: For the first time in the war Russia has started targeting Ukraine's command-and-control centers.


Anonymous said...

From a warfighting perspective. this is long overdue

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

AP source: Russian missiles cross into Poland during strike

See above link.

Anonymous said...

Isn't there any more pro russian channel than this one? XD

fazman said...


Anonymous said...

Before you ukie fan goons rush to judgement, look at this


Anonymous said...

There are probably advisers at command posts. If there are too many casualties, they cannot be lied about it and say it happened in Syria or Somalia, when it was Ukraine.

So The USSR wants to hit command posts now, but were being nice about it before. Yeah, um sure. A CP is a legitimate military target. What the Soviet generals were keeping their counterparts alive until now, so they could order the Ukrainian Army to surrender?

I figure, if there is a big push to hit CP's, the Americans will send better gear to protect their advisors. IDC. I really don't. I say "Fuck YOU" to all the fascist hardliners om the Kremlin. I married a person from communist bloc a long time ago thinking this shit was over. So Come out and plaaaaaaayaay!"

Or course the Ruskies will escalate and it reminds of a Vietnam War simulation (game). There were constraints on what the America player could do. Otherwise, said player would lose the simulation as the Vietnam War became a World War. It seemed grossly unfair as IRL the Russians had snipers in South Vietnam and definitely had advisors manning anti-air defenses in North Vietnam. So what can I say what comes around goes around. So we have American advisors in Ukraine. Lump it.

The fascists in the Kremlin are not all that smart. They're smart enough in an Al Capone sort of way to steal government office or a Russian corporation using violence, intimidation and fraud, but other than that not too bright. I read a historian's description of the Mafiosa. They said they were not the brightest men. They were not the strongest men. But they were the most violent and so that is how they got to the top of heap in the criminal world. That is how I see Kremlin insiders and Russian oligarchs. So yes, there will be a world war being Kremlin idiots are not that bright.