Monday, November 28, 2022

The U.S. - Russia 'Deconfliction' Line Has Been Used Once (So Far) During The Ukraine War

The Pentagon is seen from the air in Washington, U.S., March 3, 2022, more than a week after Russia invaded Ukraine. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts  

Reuters: Exclusive-U.S., Russia have used 'deconfliction' line once so far during Ukraine war -source 

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A communications line created between the militaries of the United States and Russia at the start of Moscow's war against Ukraine has been used only once so far, a U.S. official told Reuters. 

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said that the United States initiated a call through the "deconfliction" line to communicate its concerns about Russian military operations near critical infrastructure in Ukraine. 

Reuters is the first to report on the use of the deconfliction line, beyond regular testing. 

Few details are known surrounding the specific incident that led to the call on the line, which connects the U.S. military's European Command and Russia's National Defense Management Center. 

 Read more ....  

Update: US-Russia ‘deconfliction’ line used only once – Reuters (RT) 

WNU Editor: There is no mention on what was the reason for the 'deconfliction' line being used.


Anonymous said...

US government employee(s) are too busy stealing women's clothing to talk to the Russians.

#Biden's America

Anonymous said...

"There is no mention on what was the reason for the 'deconfliction' line being used."

My guess is the US called on the 'deconfliction' line to threaten Russia and Putin and to warn them against continuing the war in Ukraine.

Hans Persson said...

The dirty bomb incident.

I followed that very closely and even before everything happened, Russia arrested 2 Ukrainian nuclear dudes at that zap nuclear station. 2 weeks after Russia made the famous statement of a possibility of dirty bomb.

I actually really believe the Ukrainians will nuke themselves and everyone else if they had the chance.

Anonymous said...

Well Hans the radiation will hit you first. Silver lining

Hans Persson said...


Hans Persson said...

You know what anon, i really hope WNU will give out mod spots soon, idiots with retarded comments like yours would be long gone.

If you don't have anything to add, get your troll fingers off the keyboard and please stop using the air.

Anonymous said...

All we need is weak people like you getting all wobbly and letting the Russians conquer Ukraine in a war of aggression.

That is some serious shit and I deal with it with humor. See the silver lining comment. You don't want to be the butt of a joke then quit being wobbly.

Let's be honest. It was you kind that kept Germany in the war, because they did not want to get hurt. Nothing like turning a 6 month to 2 year war into a 6 year war. Yay team!

Hans Persson said...

What bubble are you talking from? Kept Germany in what war?? WW2? It's fucking 2022 dude. Grow up, clean your fucking room and hide your phone from yourself.

Hans Persson said...

And what humor? That the radiation hits me first? That's hilarious.

I'm actually worried that the corrupted Ukraine government will end us all.

Anonymous said...

Sweden sold iron ore to Germany keeping Germany in the war. All those tanks, guns and aeroplanes were not wished into existence.

Now the dirty nukes story is true or it is false. If it is false, it is Russian propaganda to induce scaredy cats into not backing Ukraine. If it is true, it still makes you guilty.

Why would I give a WW2 example? Why are you scared of a WW2 example? For one you can draw parallels or make analogies between WW2 and say a current war. For another most people know of WW2 whereas if you mad an analogy between the current war and another war, the analogy would not work, because people would have no knowledge of the other war. Lastly, the WW2 example is germane, because Sweden did its part. It kept Germany in supply.

Here is a hint. When you play a war game like Avalon Hill's Battle of the Bulge, a unit that is out of supply for 3 or so consecutive rounds is removed form the board. that is bad. it could create a gaping hole in your line that the other side could exploit and win the game. Or in real life win the battle and maybe the war.

Like I said. Sweden did its part. It kept NAZI Germany in supply.

Hans Persson said...

Ah, you mean like the US did in both world wars and all other wars after that?
Benefiting enormously by trade and loans before RELUCTANTLY joining both world wars.

Guess what? The US STILL continues down the same path.

Save me your silly made up conclusions.

Anonymous said...

WNU keeps harping in Ukrainian supply issues. Ever wonder why?

Frederick the Great decimated a Swedish Army two times over.


He knocked over 1 or 2 posts along a long, long supply route. The Swedish army started marching back to Sweden and never made it back intact.




Sweden did its part in WW2!

Hans Persson said...

Like selling our natural resources as a neutral free nation to our neighborhood? Welcome to the concept of free trade.

Anonymous said...

Hans Don't his crap. give em hell

Hans Persson said...

I understand that people have trouble understand how to live in a free and neutral nation. It's saddens me that that's long gone.

We're not neutral anymore, the US and NATO got what they always wanted.

Anonymous said...

WW1: The US should never have been involved. That is Woodrow Wilson's war and aside from some or most of his 14 points I detest everything Wilson stood for or did.

WW2. The US was involved for 1 or 2 years before officially announcing it. The US had to be involved in that war. Roosevelt was only reluctant to tell the electorate that we would be in the war. WAs Roosevelt deceitful about participation. You could argue he was. You could argue in that instance he was as noble or cunning as Themistocles.

The US sold war planes to the French. Were the French charged too much?

Was Lend Lease a raw deal for the British? Before you consider answering remember Britain had 99 year leases on Hong Kong and maybe other places.

Anonymous said...

Neutral country? Out of principle or because Peter the Great kicked the living ____ out of them?

I sincerely believe the latter is the case.

Neutral; country!?! You are a poster boy for what Martin Niemoeller was talking about.

Is person or human the right word or is electron?

I do appreciate the Swedish Saab warplanes. They are deadly and affordable unlike American weapons. I also appreciate the Swedish Navy giving Russian subs hell when they skulk in Swedish waters. But that is so 80s. I look at the current liberal government and electorate and OMG!

Hans Persson said...

United Kingdom just paid back the land lease. Almost 100 years later.
That should tell you everything about the US "kindness".

They don't give it, it's loaned to insane rates.

Just like aaaaaall the money's we send to Ukraine. It's a LOAN until what we think is the inevitable destruction of the Russian army and deposing of Putin.

Swedens contribute to Ukraine isn't behind a loan-wall, like the US.

Now, sit and think about that.

Anonymous said...

"We're not neutral anymore, the US and NATO got what they always wanted."

The Swedes and NATO cooperated quite well during the Cold War on naval surveillance matters.

My bad, I meant to route that memo to you, but I forgot.

Hans Persson said...

Haha awwww we was forced to hold the US hand in the cold war. What a good example 😂

Hans Persson said...

Just stop try to mansplain my own countrys history.

Anonymous said...

There could be three reasons.

1) Britain chose that plan. They had surpluses in some years and chose not to use them to pay it down faster.

2) The interest rate was too high. You only give the date of the last payment, which without further context could be misleading, accurate, or an outright lie.

3) The British economy is inefficient. It was set up as a colonial economy. So when you have an empire that is good (for the people back home0, but when you do not have an empire there are all sort of inefficiencies. i.e. the British economy sucked. That is not America's fault. That is self inflicted.

Anonymous said...


Are your pronouns she, her, & hers or it & its? You do not have a poster of Sam Brinton on your wall do you?

How do you know it is not my history as well?

Anonymous said...

"Haha awwww we was forced to hold the US hand in the cold war. "

I would regard that as a win/win, but either you are mad or you outed yourself.

Hans Persson said...

The problem with how you are conducting a discussion is that you're throwing strawmans everywhere. I'm talking about the article. You're all over the place.

I'm very confident that the Ukrainians know that their lifeline is drying up and they know that they have lost already. What's worrying is that they have and will do anything to survive.

Killing off civilians in assassination attempts.
Almost ending the grain deal with the prospects of mass starvation elsewhere on the globe.
Blowing up Nord Stream, putting their allies, Europe, in a shitty state for the winter.
All of this under the protection on the good, non-profit "United" States of America.

Including a dirty bomb.

Hans Persson said...

It's very clear that the Ukraine sees us as fodder in this war. And i don't approve. For me they should have given up already instead of dragging the whole world down their corrupted sinkhole that is now called freedom.

Anonymous said...

"The funding began as the lend-lease programme under which the US in effect donated equipment for the war effort, but required anything left over at the end of hostilities to be paid for.

When President Harry S Truman cancelled lend-lease in September 1945, the outstanding supplies including some in transit were paid for at a rate of 10 pence in the pound."

Wow, the brits paid back the American 10 pence on the pound for stuff not consumed (blownup, worn out etc.). Really harsh terms there.

Then there is the corruption narrative.

Ukraine 1.10%
Belarus 5.00% Good, good relations with Putin
Russia 12.60%

Is 1.1 > 5 > 12.6 ????

Did someone learn the number line in 1st grade?

Viktor Yushchenko was poisoned in 2004 well, well before 2014, Maidan, or anything else.

Maybe just maybe many of Ukraine's problems are the result of Russian interference?

Anonymous said...

All over the place? Current events have context. You can be honest or dishonest in discussing supposed context.

"Those Who Do Not Learn History Are Doomed To Repeat It."

- philosopher George Santayana

If I cite examples, I think they apply. You might disagree.

The supply issue examples are good. WNU may not use these examples, but he sure harped on supply issues when he posted about the problems with howitzers wearing out, breaking or being destroyed.

You brought up NATO and Lend Lease (loans).

Anonymous said...

"There are still First World War debts owed to, and by, Britain. However, since a moratorium on all war debts was agreed at the height of the Great Depression in 1931, no debt repayments have been made to, or received from, other nations since 1934."

So Hans spoke of the great deal the Us got on WW1 loans to Great Britain.

The US was not paid back in full. So what was not paid back? Interest tor principle?

I am very disappointed in Hans.

Anonymous said...

Ukraine has problems because of west influence and American money.
Hans is correct, Ukraine is a sink hole. Worse, it is a rat hope were money goes in and hardly nothing comes out. Like that 500 mil spent training syrian rebels.
Remember those congressional hearings?

Well General Austin, after spending 500 million dollars how many rebels/ freedom fighters did we train?
Austin's answer:
Sir, we have 5.

Thats right 500 million f-ing dollars we trained 5 guys
And yes that is the same Austin who is now SECDEF
you think Ukraine is going to br any different?

Anonymous said...

Ukraine is a sink hole.

For Russian lives and military equipment


PS Glad you went to rescue Hans. He needed it. Next time just throw hi a life ring/