Sunday, November 6, 2022

U.S. Pressuring Ukraine President Zelensky To Signal An Openness To Negotiate With Russia

The President of Ukraine presented United States National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan the Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise for supporting Ukraine.  

Washington Post: U.S. privately asks Ukraine to show it’s open to negotiate with Russia 

The Biden administration is privately encouraging Ukraine’s leaders to signal an openness to negotiate with Russia and drop their public refusal to engage in peace talks unless President Vladimir Putin is removed from power, according to people familiar with the discussions. 

The request by American officials is not aimed at pushing Ukraine to the negotiating table, these people said. Rather, they called it a calculated attempt to ensure the government in Kyiv maintains the support of other nations facing constituencies wary of fueling a war for many years to come. 

The discussions illustrate how complex the Biden administration’s position on Ukraine has become, as U.S. officials publicly vow to support Kyiv with massive sums of aid “for as long as it takes” while hoping for a resolution to the conflict that over the past eight months has taken a punishing toll on the world economy and triggered fears of nuclear war. 

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: According to the Washington Post the White House wants the image that Kyiv is open to talks in order to maintain the support of other nations who are facing a public backlash over their support of Ukraine. 

Sighhh .... the want the PR image so that the media can go out and push the narrative that Ukraine is reasonable while Russia is not.

I do not think this strategy is going to work. 

All my friends in Europe are shocked and angry over their astronomical energy bills and high cost of living, and they want a solution out of this crisis. Sacrificing their standard of living for Ukraine is not what they signed-up for.

Bottom line. 

The West is losing this economic war against Russia, and if the Washington Post is to be believed, it looks like the White House is worried that they are going to lose public support. 

U.S. Pressuring Ukraine President Zelensky To Signal An Openness To Negotiate With Russia  

U.S. privately asks Ukraine to show Russia it's open to talks -Washington Post -- Reuters  

Could the end of the Ukraine war be in sight? US 'is pressuring Volodymyr Zelensky to drop his ban on talks with Putin and negotiate an end to the fighting' amid growing fears of nuclear war, new report claims -- Daily Mail  

U.S. privately asking Ukraine to drop public refusal of peace talks with Russia: Washington Post -- The Hill


Anonymous said...

Who was the idiot that ever thought Ukraine or any of Russia's neighbours would beat Russia? Zelenski needs to remember that if the USA pulls away, Ukrainians negotiating options are zero. That guy needs to makes a deal fast. Someone post him Trumps book please..

Anonymous said...

Many Europeans did not sacrifice their standard of living, when they let Hitler gobble up Czechoslovakia.

After the conquest of the Czechs, Hitler was able to outfit a further 40 divisions with kit.

Never seen numbers on how much ownership of Skoda increased German armor production.

Sure the war is increasing energy prices. But it is also the result of green energy policies. that is about a third of them voted for this madness.

But WNU/Editor has to soft sell the Russian line.

Caecus said...

The French were defeated and the British fled when Germany attacked, but were supposed to invade Germany over Czech?

Anonymous said...

Are you confused or are you purposefully misconstruing the order of events.

If the invasion of Czechoslovakia had been contested, there would have been no Operation Barbarossa.

Germany would have 550 fewer tanks.

PzKpfw 35(t) 200
PzKpfw 38(t) 350

PzKpfw IV (A-D) short 7.5cm KwK L/24 289

the German Panzer III and IVs were able to be the spearhead. The Panzer I & II's were veritable toys. There is no way a Panzer 1 was going to destroy a French char B or a British tank.

It was not only tactics that enabled the Germans to win. It was the Czech tanks that enable the Germans to achieve something close parity tank for tank.

The excuse was that the diplomatic palavering was to give the Brits time to ramp up war production. Well the Germans were not ready either. the time the Brits got, the Germans also got. Plus they got the war spoils.

War spoils were an important and essential component in keeping the NAZI war machine going. If deny that, then there is no use discussing it.

Caecus said...

I don't deny it, I just doubt the French & British could have succesfully invaded Germany at the time. Obviously Germany did not take the threat seriously at all, and were correct.

Anonymous said...

You do not have to necessarily have to invade a country to dissuade it.

The German Generals took the threat seriously. Hitler did not. Hitler was a gambler. He was a drug addict with serious health problems.

"In a speech delivered in the Reichstag, Hitler stressed the military importance of occupation, noting that by occupying Czechoslovakia, Germany gained 2,175 field cannons, 469 tanks, 500 anti-aircraft artillery pieces, 43,000 machine guns, 1,090,000 military rifles, 114,000 pistols, about a billion rounds of ammunition and three million anti-aircraft shells. This amount of weaponry would be sufficient to arm about half of the then Wehrmacht.[33] Czechoslovak weaponry later played a major part in the German conquests of Poland (1939) and France (1940)—countries that had pressured Czechoslovakia's surrender to Germany in 1938."

Germany was in no position to invade France or repel a French invasion prior to taking over Czechoslovakia.

Anonymous said...

554 Panzer I (aka toy)
920 Panzer II (upgraded toy)
349 Panzer III (real tank)
280 Panzer IV (real tank)
118 Czech Panzer 35T
207 Czech Panzer 38T (real tank)

Total: 2,428

8.5% of tanks

24.8% of good or real tanks

Anonymous said...

This isn't WW2. Pretending that Putin is Hitler disqualifies you from reasonable discussion. We're supposed to believe that he is both hellbent on european conquest and able to achieve it, and simultaneously we're told to believe that he is using a rag-wearing peasant conscript army, making missiles out of stolen air conditioners, and is only weeks away from losing in the donbas.