Tuesday, December 27, 2022

A Second War Is Now Threatening To Explode In Europe


Daily Beast: Not Now, Europe. Second War Threatens to Explode 

As Russia’s unprovoked war in Ukraine heads towards its one-year anniversary, another European flashpoint is in danger of reigniting a second war on the continent. 

Kosovo was at the center of the last all out-war in Europe in the late ‘90s and tensions there have never fully dissipated. 

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has this week put his army on its “highest level of combat readiness” to protect ethnic Serbian areas in northern Kosovo he says are under threat from Kosovo. Vucic says his military will “take all measures to protect our people and preserve Serbia.” 

On December 10, ethnic Serbs in the north erected nine roadblocks that essentially divide the area where some 50,000 ethnic Serbs live, angering the Kosovo government in Pristina, which is led by an Albanian majority.

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WNU Editor: This is one of those situations where everyone should be talking de-escalation. Instead, it is the opposite. 

More News On The Growing Tensions Between Serbia And Kosovo  

Kosovo: Serbia puts troops on high alert over rising tensions -- BBC 

Tensions Rise in Northern Kosovo as Local Serbs Block Roads, Serbia Puts Army on Alert -- Reuters  

Serbs put up new roadblocks, Serbian troops at ready as tensions soar in divided Kosovo -- ABC News Australia

Ethnic Serbs erect more roadblocks as tensions soar in Kosovo -- Al Jazeera  

Kosovan minister says Serbia aims to destabilise the country -- Reuters


Anonymous said...

Europe was warned over 30 years ago and has done nothing. Yugoslavia is next door to Italy and Austria and the EU has done jack squat except call in the USA who the despise. they despise the US but keep calling them. It is an abusive relationship.

"On 25 June 1991, Slovenia became independent[4] through the passage of appropriate legal documents.[69] On 27 June in the early morning, the Yugoslav People's Army dispatched its forces to prevent further measures for the establishment of a new country, which led to the Ten-Day War."

So Slovenia seceded from Yugoslavia. This should have been a wake up call for the Eurotrash leaders and other effete Euros.

"The Croatian War of Independence was fought from 1991 to 1995 between Croat forces loyal to the Government of Croatia—which had declared independence from the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY)—and the Serb-controlled Yugoslav People's Army (JNA) and local Serb forces, with the JNA ending its combat operations in Croatia by 1992."

These Eurotrash leaders are paid the big bucks to be prescient and have solutions. So we watched prime time news casts in color of the horrific city fighting in Vukovar and Osijek.

So what did the Eurotrash leaders do? Set up lawn chairs and munch on popcorn?

Only when the bulk of the fighting moved to Bosnia did the eurotrash and the excrement media demand something be done. The Trash leaders got Bubba Clinton(D), who needed some distractions to bomb Serbia.

You could argue that the Croats, Serbs and Bosniaks were all genocidal shitheads. But the Trash and the excrement media settled on a theme and that was that. Nothing has gotten any better.

Nice to be confronting a major war in the East, when you let a time bomb tick away for a whole generation on your SE flank. Trash is too busy fleecing the proles and featherbedding their bank accounts.

We should send Merkel, Clinton and other trash to negotiate a solution and to stay until an accord is reached or until they expire due to old age. They can be interned in Sarajevo, if they fail to bring peace, in simple graves of the type you throw rocks at.

The protests in in Slovenia started in 1987.the cold War was still going, the Berlin Wall had not fallen (1989) and the Soviet Union was around to 1991. But maybe 1987 should have been a heads up. If not the leaders, if they should be called that, should have been aware and had solution in 1991?

In 1991 we had the Gulf War and presidential election in the Us. But by 1992, this issue should have gotten more oxygen and not waited until some in DC decided to wag the dog.

Greedy Fucking Morons

Anonymous said...

"Now THAT's an artillery piece."

Anonymous said...

this blogs too focused on europe

RussInSoCal said...

Because that's where the war(s) are