Thursday, December 15, 2022

Are We Seeing U.S. Mission Creep In Ukraine? Report: US Mulls Sending Small Number of Troops Into Ukraine to Track Weapons  

A former US official described the plan as 'classic mission creep'  

The Pentagon is discussing the possibility of sending a small number of additional troops to Ukraine to step up the tracking of weapons being sent into the country, NBC News reported on Monday.

Back in October, the Pentagon said that US military personnel based at the US embassy in Kyiv began conducting “onsite” weapons inspections in Ukraine. According to NBC, the US currently has a couple of dozen troops inside Ukraine, including a small number involved in tracking weapons. 

The current tracking effort involves traveling outside of Kyiv to scan bar codes on weapons and other supplies, although US officials say the US troops are not traveling to the front-lines.  

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WNU Editor: I have been covering this story for the past two months, and it is getting more and more bizarre. The idea of sending US troops to Ukrainian arms depots (that are prime targets for the Russian military) to scan bar codes on weapons and other supplies makes no sense. What you want to know is where do these weapons go when they leave these depots, and are these weapons going to Ukrainian soldiers on the front-lines and not somewhere else in the world. 

And as to the question of this being "mission creep". I am sure there are a lot of US intelligence assets and contractors working in Ukraine right now. My gut tells me that we are now way pass the point of "mission creep".


Anonymous said...

Biden has shown zero creativity or initiative with Russia or Ukraine. Always reacting to Russia. He cutoff completely diplomacy as a tool, just tossed it. Putin isn’t Hitler or Mao, there should be diplomacy. Second Putin should be seeing a robust training program for Ukrainian pilots in the USA, that should have started last spring with 22 year old officers. Russia should see them training on F-16’s. Russia needs to see carrots and sticks from the USA and NATO. Instead Biden is intimated by Putin and reactive. As for Ukraine they need to know the USA calls the shots when Ukraine comes to the table, it’s their country but we keep them having one. Putin can be sure Ukraine will negotiate in good faith when the time comes. Biden told the world “whatever Ukraine wants”.

Anonymous said...

Russia changed its tactics to include destroying civilian infrastructure. Is that Russian mission creep?

Anonymous said...


No, it is not mission creep you idiot. It is called the modern way of war. We perfected this in every conflict since WW2 Korea and Vietnam.

And you know works. You don't like it ..too bad.

This is the way it has worked since WWII.

Acceptable loss and collateral damage. Get use to it. Because you are going to see a lot more of it.

BTW do you think I am happy about this crap show? If you think that you are insane.

It is not my doing, I just recognize the facts.

Anonymous said...

When it is move counter move, then you are going to get mission creep. It is either that or go home. You would like that wouldn't you?

Now 9:45 I fully expected you names and your denial, but you are Russian and nothing else can be expected of you.

Anonymous said...


Screw you, you freak.

You are probably a Ruskie eating a meat pie and have a portrait of Uncle Joe on the wall..

What? You don't like reality? You are not one of those God forsaken snowflakes with purple hair are you?

Sorry to ruin your day, but Bombing cities and destroying all kinds of targets to include infrastructure has been around since the 2ndWW.

The problem with the Ruskies is that they are abysmally slow learners. Always have been.

Anonymous said...

Globalism is the DEFINITION of mission creep.

Anonymous said...

The russian trolls are out in force tonight
