Saturday, December 31, 2022

Are Western Political And Media Analysists And Pundits Wrong With Regards To The Russia - Ukraine War?

Moon Of Alabama: Lack Of Good Analyses Contributes To The Decline Of The 'West' 

What really hit me last year was the dearth of correct analyses in main stream media and in politics with regards to the war in Ukraine. 

Little if anything is based on facts. More than 90% of the published output is propaganda. 

The 'western' plan was to draw Russia into Ukraine to then 'kill' it by economic sanctions. As Biden said when he announced those:  

We have purposefully designed these sanctions to maximize the long-term impact on Russia and to minimize the impact on the United States and our Allies.  

And I want to be clear: The United States is not doing this alone. For months, we’ve been building a coalition of partners representing well more than half of the global economy.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: This is my must read article for today.


Anonymous said...

We’re past the point when we believe the media, it’s like the 1980’s Pravda in truthfulness. Goes for NYT, AP, NBC, ABC, Reuters and every outlet they feed. Obviously the US government is just as dishonest, believe nothing from DC on anything, heck they are feeding the lies to the media to gobble up.

Anonymous said...

Real journalists end up like Julian Assange or Graham Phillips. The humble art of american journalism that modern propagandists like to cloak themselves in is long dead.

Anonymous said...

Ugly but true.

I can tell you from a life time of military experience stateside and overseas , that half the things our broadcast news says is unadulterated BS.

I was on the ground many times when there were "reporting" real news and it was BS. Made me sick. facts were either not reported, or half truths were used or items purported as facts were made up lies.

If you think you are being told the whole truth from the DC crowd and their minions in the press, you are sadly mistaken
That is why I take issue with 90% of the Ukrainian Rah rah on this blog. Not because I think the Russians are paragons of the truth, but because I know the western press for the most part is a bunch of miscreant liars. And this is where these Rah rah guys have gotten their opinions from.

Anonymous said...

Spot on 8:51 PM.

Anonymous said...

Moon of Alabama is by some guy, who started off at Daily Kos. He is a Leftwing hack, who sees black balloons in the rear view mirror.

Anonymous said...

As one journalist said live on TV ''We are given a story facts are not important in truth they are irrelevant what is important is how well we sell it to the target audience ie:you all''He was taken off the news show shortly afterwards.

Anonymous said...

The problem is that these reality-distorting outlets - from cnn, to nytimes, washington post, nbc, abc, npr etc do not only hurt us in perceiving reality as it is, but they also cover up extreme crimes - from FTX to pedophelia to drug smuggling, arms deals and much more - we are at the bring of throwing them all into jail, but before we can do so, more must wake up and realize the ENORMOUS scale of theft, deplatforming, lawfare, censorship that is going on to keep us in the dark while they take our lives, hurt us, our children and our future and take countless trillions on top from us. We will not get this money back, it is gone. But for God sake, don't let them take it all and protect the children from these Demons who have given up on God.

Ron said...

Richard Feynman once defined science as, "the belief in the ignorance of experts." The man made global warming fraud and all the nonsense surrounding Covid makes me think he had it right.

Ignorance means someone who ignores ALL the facts. Willful ignorance by this large amount of people who sop up government narratives through the legacy media is harming the west.
