Monday, December 26, 2022

China's Health System Is Being Overwhelmed By COVID Surge


Reuters: China's COVID cases overwhelm hospitals 

One in Shanghai said it expected half of the city’s 25 million people to get infected by the end of the week after Christmas.

In Beijing, healthcare workers said patients might have to be turned away due to a lack of beds and resources. 

Howard Bernstein is a doctor at the city’s United Family Hospital: "The hospital is just overwhelmed from top to bottom. So, the ER is filled up with people. 

A lot of them got admitted to the hospital, they’re not getting better in a day or two, so there’s no flow. 

And therefore people keep coming to the ER, but they can’t go upstairs into hospital rooms. So they are stuck in the ER.” 

The new upsurge comes after President Xi Jinping’s government suddenly abandoned strict measures aimed at stamping out the virus.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Another sign on how bad the health crisis is becoming in China .... China stops publishing daily Covid figures amid reports of explosion in cases (The Guardian).  

Update: Chinesse President has commented on the current health crisis (see below):

China's Health System Is Being Overwhelmed By COVID Surge 

President Xi admits that China has to tackle Covid in a 'more targeted way' as the country reopens to surge of to '5,000 deaths a day', queues for morgues and MILLIONS of infections after years of draconian lockdowns -- Daily Mail  

Xi urges steps to 'protect' lives as China battles Covid wave -- AFP  

Packed ICUs, crowded crematoriums: COVID roils Chinese towns -- AP  

Medical staff on front line of China's COVID fight say hospitals are 'overwhelmed' -- ABC News Australia 

COVID-19: China's health system at its limits -- DW


Anonymous said...

If you dam a river and the impoundment capacity is less than the rainfall amounts in the catchment area (drainage basin), should you be shocked when the dam is topped over and fails?

Anonymous said...

Taking every report regarding the covid situation in China with a big grain of salt.

I've sat and watched these same people lie 24/7 about Trump, lie 24/7 about Ukraine, and lie 24/7 about covid. These news agencies will take every single statement made by Putin and misconstrue it into a fantasy narrative like they do with every designated enemy of the empire.

Given those experiences I'm not going to suddenly start gulping down whatever these people are serving up on China. They need to earn back some credibility first, if they want me to believe that China is a rickety house of cards where open great-power conflict is certain to end with a positive outcome for average americans like myself.

Anonymous said...

Let me see, Daily Mail, AFP, AP, ABC News Australia, DW...LMAO.

B.Poster said...

Nailed it!! And the worst part about it is I think these people believe their own nonsense. I suspect the Chinese are feeding them false information trying to manipulate them into more COVID restrictions which really hurt us last time around!!

Anonymous said...

It is bad in China. Period. Need confirmation?

WHO chief 'very concerned' about COVID situation in China

and papers in India and elsewhere confirm magnitude of outbreak.

B.Poster said...

I don't trust WHO. They look to me like a tool of the Chinese government. As for the "papers in India and elsewhere," I'm skeptical.

If we take the reports at face value, it would tend to confirm that "lockdown" don't and will never work. Our lockdown in America were absolutely brutal!! The reports suggest China's were/are even more brutal.

I think they're trying to frighten us again. Our last round of lockdowns was at best an unforced error. In any event, it was a huge gift to them!!