Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Editor's Note

At the accountant this morning. Doing the year-end for a company that I have. Blogging will return in a few hours.


Mr Nobody said...

Good luck. Hope it works out well.

I will ask you. Do you know when Putin's televised meeting was supposed to happen?

The one that was canceled with the Russian people.

If you have the date, please reply to this post.

It is one of the items I am tracking.

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

So Russia is on a war footing but it cannot produce enough snipe ammo. HMMMMMMMM!

"Prosecutors said Konoshchenok, 48, has shipped or smuggled U.S.-origin items from Estonia into Russia.

Court documents state that he attempted to smuggle weapons and technology as recently as Oct. 27 when he was stopped by Estonia police with 35 different types of semiconductors and electric components.

Hidden in his vehicle were found thousands of 6.5mm rounds manufactured by a Nebraska firearms company, prosecutors said. The sniper rifle rounds were sold from the United States to Germany, Finland, Luxembourg and Latvia, according to documents, which do not disclose that they were to be re-exported to Russia."

Erase post again please !

Anonymous said...

Maybe he had an expense account