Saturday, December 24, 2022

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Place D'armes, Old Montreal

It is the day before the big day. I am hosting 14 people tomorrow and I am the cook. That means I am going to be busy today. But I will be blogging later this evening and on and off tomorrow. 

Update Midnight December25, 2022: The GF laid the law tonight. No blogging this Christmas. Sighhh .... blogging will return Monday.


Alex said...

Enjoy your holidays WNU. Thanks for keeping up this blog!

Anonymous said...

Hear! Hear!

Gadfly Speck said...

What’s on the menu? We’re making a 15lbs rib roast and hot buttered rum for drinks.

War News Updates Editor said...

Gadlfy Speck

OMG! 15lbs!!!! I love ribs. But that is for New Years Eve.

To begin .... cheese platter, smoked salmon, a lot of cold cuts, baguettes, crackers, wine, etc.

The meal starts with a shot of vodka (Grey Goose)
Borscht .... Russian-Ukrainian style from scratch.

I am making two Beef Wellingtons, cabbage rolls, smoked Turkey (I started that about an hour ago), potatoes with Bacon (a Russian thing), Kasha (its a Russian thing), Wild rice mixed with mushrooms. A general salad and dill pickles that I grew from my garden and stored.

French pastries .... a lot of pastries that I just picked up from my favorite pastry chef.

Finished the night with Johnny Walker Blue, some XO Cognac, or Porto. Depending on the mood.

My wines .... 2 Italian Brunellos, 2 French Margaux. and 2 California Opus

I am overdoing it this Christmas. But this is to make up for the pandemic. This is also probably my mother's last or second to last Christmas. And the GF wants to spoil everyone. I also fear that if thing get out of control in the Ukraine war, this may be the last time that we all can sit down and enjoy a great evening for a long time. This is one of those moments where it is best to live now, and not for the future.

Anonymous said...

Secret Back Channel Between FTX and White House Closed the Day After FTX Filed for Bankruptcy

Anonymous said...

A-hole has been out of college 8 years. Presumably he graduated with a bachelors degree.

I guess being an a-hole and graduating with a bachelors degree gives you the right to cause people to lose their retirement savings. Democrat party Beast needs to be fed.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas everyone. May the Lord Tunderin Jesus bless us with an abundance of war that will need to be reported on. Personally, I don’t think we’ll need to do much praying for that in 2023. God Bless

Anonymous said...

lord tunderin jesus
a term people from Newfoundland and Labrador or Halifax would use as an overwhelming statement like they have just seen, done or heard something amazing like "oh my god" or "holy crap"

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas, Mr. WNU Editor, and to your readers. May 2023 be the year when justice comes to all the Earth and peace will reign!

Jimmy said...

Merry Christmas ladies and gentlemen!

Have a great day Mr. Editor!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas and god bless you. Greetings from a Swedish fan.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to WNU and all readers may God give us peace to our world in 2023 enjoy your blogging fan from Virginia

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to WNU and to all of the collective WNU...wherever you are!

B.Poster said...

Merry Christmas!! You need to spend time with your girl friend, family, and friends. We will be here when you return.

Anonymous said...

Merry festivus.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas WNU!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas and Better Be A Happy New Year 2023

Anonymous said...

Oh shit. It's the 26th, 9:00 a.m. EST, and I am realizing that we may be dealing with an Orthodox Christmas situation here, where the 26th is merely the 2nd day of Christmas.
Stuff down some latkas and throw us some links, kind Friend!