Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Former Russian President Medvedev Gives Ten 'Predictions' On Twitter: Fall of EU, Civil War In US, US President Elon Musk

FOX News: Putin's chief advisor predicts US civil war resulting in Elon Musk presidency 

A chief advisor to Russian President Vladimir Putin made a series of bizarre predictions for 2023 Tuesday in a tweet where he claimed the U.S. would enter into a civil war and Elon Musk would come out on top. 

Dmitry Medvedev, deputy head of Putin's advisory security council, took to Twitter to share his "humble contribution" to what he thinks could unfold in the new year.

"Civil war will break out in the U.S.," he said in a list of wild predictions. "California and Texas becoming independent states as a result. "Texas and Mexico will form an allied state," he continued.

"Elon Musk’ll win the presidential election in a number of states which, after the new Civil War’s end, will have been given to the GOP."  

Read more ....  

Update #1: Star rising in Kremlin, Russia's Medvedev predicts war in West (Reuters)  

Update #2: Medvedev's Wild 2023 Predictions Include Elon Musk as U.S. President (Newsweek)  

WNU Editor: He is trolling everyone. And it is working. As of this posting there has already been 33 million views.


RussInSoCal said...

/Medvedev needs to book an interview with Alex Jones.

Anonymous said...

Trolling or not, Russia is more likely to have a civil war.

Around Bakhmut Russia cannot attack in company sized or higher units. Their attacks are platoon sized and artillery support is fading. Reinforcements netter come quick or the Russians will be down to squad sized or stick sized attacks. Russians also better
be generous with battle field promotions.

Yes, Medvedev is showing which areas he is not educated in.

Anonymous said...

Imagine thinking that any other superpower is as socially divided as America is right now. Turn on the TV.

Anonymous said...

Jovial Stuff

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This was his Christmas wish list from Santa and sadly none will come true…

Anonymous said...



platoon size attacks.

Is this because it is the only thing they are capable of? Or is it more of search/seek out enemy MLR, then retreat and bomb with arty?

I do not know. I am just asking.

Because the Russians seem to have a ww2 mentality of send in troops, figure out where the enemy is, then withdraw and bomb the opponent into dust.