Monday, December 26, 2022

Former Russian President Medvedev Says World Will Be On The Edge Of Nuclear War Until Moscow Receives The Security Guarantees It Demands

Dmitry Medvedev © Sputnik / Ekaterina Shtukina  

RT: Ex-Russian president issues ‘nuclear catastrophe’ warning 

The world will continue to teeter on the brink of disaster until Moscow receives the security guarantees it demands, 

Dmitry Medvedev believes Dmitry Medvedev, the former president of Russia and current deputy chair of the country's Security Council, has issued a reminder of the dangers of nuclear brinkmanship amid the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

In a lengthy article in the Rossiyskaya Gazeta newspaper, he summarized his thoughts on how the year 2022 has changed the world order forever.  

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WNU Editor: He does have a point .... Only Russia's nuclear arms preventing West from declaring war - Putin ally (Reuters). But this is also the reason why Russia has not declared war against NATO. 

Former Russian President Medvedev Says World Will Be On The Edge Of Nuclear War Until Moscow Receives The Security Guarantees It Demands 

It was difficult but necessary decision to begin special operation — Medvedev -- TASS  

Medvedev Says Russia Will Do Everything to Prevent Third World War, Nuclear Disaster -- Sputnik  

Ex-Russian president outlines timeline for reconciliation with the West -- RT  

Russian state media: Medvedev urges ‘security guarantees’ for Russia -- Kyiv Independent  

Medvedev states that Russia needs security guarantees "in order to normalise the situation" (Ukrainska Pravda)


Anonymous said...

MAD doctrine is more profitable than arms control. Whereas arms control treaties and diplomacy only serve to threaten public spending, an environment of escalatory fear is a potential growth market.

Anonymous said...

Medvedev's credentials should be accepted nowhere.

Anonymous said...

Medvedved trying to be

Anonymous said...