Saturday, December 10, 2022

German ex-Chancellor Angela Merkel Admits That 2014 Minsk Agreements Were Meant To 'Give Ukraine Time'

FILE PHOTO: Leaders of Russia, Ukraine, France and Germany gather for talks in Minsk, Belarus, February 11, 2015 © AP / Alexander Zemlianichenko  

Almayadeen: Merkel: Minsk agreements were meant to 'give Ukraine time' 

German ex-Chancellor Angela Merkel reveals that in 2014, the Minsk agreements aimed to give Ukraine time to get stronger and for NATO to increase its support to the country in the face of Russia. 

The Minsk accords were signed to "give Ukraine time" to strengthen itself, according to ex-German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who was in office from 2005 to 2021, in an interview published on Wednesday in the Zeit newspaper. 

Merkel said "The 2014 Minsk agreement was an attempt to give time to Ukraine. It also used this time to become stronger as can be seen today. 

The Ukraine of 2014-2015 is not the modern Ukraine." According to her, "it was clear to everyone" that the conflict had been put on hold, noting that the issue had not been settled, "yet this was what gave Ukraine invaluable time."  

Read more ....  

Update #1: Angela Merkel reveals intention of Minsk agreements (Prensa Latina)  

Update #2: Merkel confirms Ukraine peace deal was a ploy (RT) 

Update #3: Merkel has admitted deception over Minsk peace deal – Russia (RT) 

Update #4: Merkel’s confession about Minsk Agreements a solid bid for a tribunal — diplomat (TASS)  

WNU Editor: Former Ukrainian President Poroshenko admitted the same thing a few months ago. 

Russian President Putin has responded to these remarks by the former German Chancellor .... Putin disappointed by Merkel's words about Minsk agreements (Ukrayinska Pravda). More here .... Putin responds to Merkel bombshell (RT). 

As to what is my take. 

My father warned me repeatedly when I was growing up to never trust German leaders. I always took the opposite side, that Russian and European leaders must take the time to find common ground to reach a deal. 

Sighhh .... my father was right. 

It is going to take generations before Russian leaders ever trust European leaders again.


Anonymous said...

WNU fears Angela Merkel, the Warmonger? Really?

The exchange of of American hating, kneeling dope smoking Griner for Merchant of Death Viktor Bout, reminds us of why he was captured and brought to trial. He stole 32 billion for Ukraine and sought Russian citizenship.

32 billion in weapons. We are always heard about how corrupt Ukraine is. Maybe it is due to the gentle ministrations of Moscow and Washington?

Again, if Ukraine is so corrupt and is so much smaller than the more prosperous, less corrupt Russia, how come Russia cannot conquer it in over 9 months? Maybe Russia is more corrupt but only has a higher GDP because of oil and that is it.


Starting with there 5th paragraph of the linked article is gets interesting. It explains how Russia took Crimea. 20,0000 to 6,000 is not good odds.

I wonder sometimes just sometimes, if Strategy Page is blowing smoke. When it comes to Russia, I always wonder of WNU is blowing smoke.

I have it on good authority when Angela is feeling kinky and aggressive, she wears an old, careworn WW1 corporal's uniform. Must watch that wanna be warmonger!

Anonymous said...

A big reason that Russia hasn’t been successful is that it is literally fighting all of NATO with a few hundred thousand troops. Tables are about to turn though. NATO is almost out of ammunition and Ukraine is running out of capable bodies to keep fighting

Anonymous said...

The US Army has maybe 10 division. I am unsure because Democrats are always trying to cut one or more. Oh look, a Demofuck is in the Whitehouse.

Please tell us which Army or Marine division is in Ukraine? Some elements are parked in Romain and Putin and Russian war mongers got their panties in a knot.

If the US wanted to they could double,. triple or quadruple artillery shell production in 6 months. They do not want to. Joe Biden is good for one thing. Walking through a factory o a podium for a photo op and and speech, that is all he knows about factories.

If Joe Biden were a private citizen on vacation driving through the Rust Belt, he would never stop and spend a day on a guided tour of a Toyota plant. Joe Biden when it comes to reinforcements is always a day late and a $ short.

He drags his feet and that might make all the difference in the world.

The US could poor foundations, set up assembly lines and use the current workers as a cadre to expand the work force. But the current leadership is set in its ways and the money from the grift is good.

Anonymous said...

"It is going to take generations before Russian leaders ever trust European leaders again."

You can't make this up. The WNU Editor is far more deluded than I ever imagined. What a surprising and disappointing statement, but an eye opener for sure.

Anonymous said...

LOLOLOL. Really, give time!? I remember just a few years ago that Trump wanted the NATO partners to pay their portion and raise their %. The German army is a joke. And saying this in public is just making her look like the fake she is.

Anonymous said...

Note that Merkel re-enforced Poroshencko;

from a news article
Merkel's comments parallel those made in June by former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to several western media outlets. "Our goal," Poroshenko declared, "was to, first, stop the threat, or at least to delay the war — to secure eight years to restore economic growth and create powerful armed forces."

In contracting and litigation world this is called........

"Negotiating in Bad Faith"

You history buffs know this quite well

Remember the Japanese Government of 1941. Negotiated with the US and all the while they were plotting a sneak attack.

These people can never be trusted. Who? The Americans government , British and Ukies.. It is one lie after another.

After this there will be no, negotiated peace. At least I would not negotiate with them. How can they be trusted to do what they say?

Bunch of degenerates with no honor and no virtue. You are dealing with the Portrait of Dorian Gray.

Hans Persson said...

It's exhausting how our politicians blatantly ignores democracy....

Anonymous said...

muslimns dicks for swedish chicks

Anonymous said...

11:57 is an ignoramus

Hans Persson said...


Anonymous said...

tired of winning?

Anonymous said...

Another Obama foreign policy blunder. Iran nuclear deal, Libya invasion, ISIS rebirth, massive cuts to US military and its R&D, fake Asian pivot, withdrawal of all US armor from Europe. Obama’s legacy has caused harm to the US and will linger for decades.

Anonymous said...

You're ao fuckin stupid

Anonymous said...

That idiot attacks anyone who is normal.

Anonymous said...

"It is going to take generations before Russian leaders ever trust European leaders again."

Russia was denying reports of a military invasion of Ukraine up until February 2022. I suspect Europeans and the West will never trust Russia again.