Friday, December 30, 2022

How Long Does It Take For US President Biden To Sign 65 Bills In One Sitting?

WNU Editor: Strange tweet. Very strange.


Anonymous said...

"For Working Families"

These people are insufferable.

Anonymous said...

It is not strange. It is damage control, influencing or whatever you want to call it.

The economy and polls are not good, so they engage in chintzy, tawdry PR ploys by people who squandered their college years with fluff and outright counterproductive drek.

It is the same as Sec. of State Blinken's playlist.

While Taliban Beat Women, Secretary Blinken Releases Playlist

"This feels like a list put together by some younger female staffer, ...

You can’t get a reporter to ask Blinken why USAID continues defying federal law and refusing to cooperate with SIGAR, the watchdog on Afghanistan, but they’re happy to republish his damn playlist."

Daniel Greenfield hit on the same topic that WNU did. they look at the putz PR moves by two officials using the same cruddy techniques.

Anonymous said...

Getting Trump’s tax returns should not have been this hard. Every president elected since Richard Nixon—with the exception of Trump—has publicly disclosed his tax returns. Tax returns can tell the American people, and Congress, whether a president is following the law and behaving honestly. Crucially for Trump, who uniquely and inappropriately retained ownership of a massive international business while president, they can provide information about conflicts of interest that may have swayed his decision making.

David Frum: Trump’s reckoning with the rule of law

Examining Trump’s tax returns and discovering all they can reveal about how his finances may have intersected with his presidency will take time.

Dave Goldstein said...

He won't signing anything past January unless the repubs can get their act together.

Anonymous said...

Congress, Obama, and others have had Trump's tax returns for 6 years.

Hillary had FBI files on Republicans for no reason except to go on a fishing expedition. Hillary in the 1000s was elected to nothing.

"An ex-bar bouncer and Democratic Party operative, Craig Livingstone, landed the prestigious job of director of White House personnel security.

He began requesting that the FBI provide sensitive personnel background files on Republicans and former White House people — 900 in all — for no discernible reason."

9:55 you are not forgotten and you are not forgiven. It would seriously suck to be you if there is a god or if mankind mastered time.

You would have some serious splaining to do as to why you were both stupid and dick.

Going after Trump taxes is no different than what Hillary did with the 900 FBI files in the 1990s.

Anonymous said...

The whole we could not ban Tik Tok then, but we can ban Tik Tok now, reminds me of the Fed Ex Stolen idea commercial

Trump said it, so it must be bad.

To many of us the the rejection of Trump looks like an established class of people in Washingotn rejecting an outsider to protect their aristocratic prerogatives.