Thursday, December 22, 2022

Iran Tells Ukraine's Zelensky That He Is 'Testing Their Patience' Over Drone Claims

FOX News: Iran threatens Zelenskyy over speech to Congress, claims it has provided no arms to Russia  

Iran issues threatening statement after Zelenskyy speech to Congress 

Iran on Thursday took a swing at Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy over comments he made to Congress this week and denied accusations that Tehran has supplied Russia with drones. 

"Mr. Zelenskyy had better know that Iran’s strategic patience over such unfounded accusations is not endless," Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani said in a threatening message posted to the ministry’s website.  

Kanaani also advised Zelenskyy "to draw a lesson from the fate of some other political leaders who contented themselves with the U.S. support."  

Read more .... 

Iran Tells Ukraine's Zelensky That He Is 'Testing Their Patience' Over Drone Claims  

Iran Issues Stark Warning to Zelensky Against Testing Their 'Patience' -- Newsweek  

Iran hits back at Ukraine's Zelensky over drone claims -- Times of Israel  

Iran says patience running thin with Zelenskyy's accusations -- Al-Monitor  

Iran warns Zelensky to stop saying it gives Russia drones: ‘Patience not endless’ -- Times of Israel


Anonymous said...

No doubt they know "testing patience" when they see it.

Anonymous said...

Putin's thugs prowl through Ukrainian orphanage in chilling CCTV showing them going room-to-room in search of children to abduct and turn into soldiers

Unless Ron Klein or Obama lose their nerve Russia is screwed. Jill is one to watch out for too. She is not going to worry about posterity further than her epitaph. Her only child is not going to make her a grandmother. Bottom line is she is going to tell Joe what to do and not worry about the grandkids.

In other news or propaganda it is said the Russians are recruiting in the women's prison for volunteers or voluntolds to train as snipers and saboteurs. If they are training women, why isn't there at least one Putin child or grandchild serving? He has several.

Anonymous said...

why does the ass above reveal his shoddy upbringing and stupidity?
even commercial gossip tabloids don't dump such juvenile crap

fazman said...

Lmfao .as you said , play nice

Anonymous said...

8:18 (aka highborne)

A failed war would mean a failed presidency. Being married to a president has been Jill's singular achievement. That would tend to get her back up. Ashley Biden is a Darwinian dead end. Jill's doctorate is fraudulent. It is a realm doctorate alright based on the thinnest of surveys. Jill sent out 100 to 300 surveys got maybe 30 back and based her finding on that? Academic standards are low.

Plus Jill saw what the Afghanistan pullout did to her hubby's poll ratings.

No, Joe will brow beat Joe and more if he gets wobbly on the Russian-Ukrainian War.

PS: Dear Mr. Highborne what is wrong with asking why Putin's progeny have not part of the fight on the Russian side? I laid out 4 points or facts. If you are going to answer one with something besides an ad hominem attack please talk to that one.

Anonymous said...

to dump poop on the president's wife's doctorate is truly a sign of a real moronic classless dolt. First, she got the doctorate prior to her husband's becoming president. That said, her school is the one you might question since they are the ones who granted the degree. But, wow, to pick on the wife? Tell us now about your degrees and education since you judge that of others.

Anonymous said...

Jill got her doctorate in 2007. Her husband had been a Delaware senator for 34 years. If you can make your youngest son VP at a Delaware bank within 2 years of him graduating school, the university giving Jill a doctorate is a no brainer.

From her thesis:

"The needs of the student population are often undeserved[sic], resulting in a student drop-out rate of almost one third."

"Alex, can I buy a spell checker for $200 please" - Dr. Jill

Anonymous said...

Dr. Jill really is a Democrat. Like fur sure man! No joke!

She sent out 159 surveys and got back 162 responses.

That is some Democrat math!

No wonder Democrats win so many elections!

Anonymous said...

MATH is HARD for Democrats! Especially, if they are nobility.

"Three quarters of the class will be Caucasian; one quarter of the class will be African American; one seat will hold a Latino; and the remaining seats will be filled with students of Asian descent or non-resident aliens." - Dr. Jill

Anonymous said...

Poop is more valuable than Jill Biden's dissertation. If properly treated, it can be used as fertilizer.

Is 12:05 defending Dr. Jill, because they also have a doctorate based on a shitty thesis?