Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Is Washington About To Repeat The Same Geo-Political Mistakes In Ukraine That They Did In South Vietnam Almost 60 Years Ago?


Douglas Macgregor, American Conservative: Washington Is Prolonging Ukraine's Suffering  

Washington’s refusal to acknowledge Russia’s legitimate security interests in Ukraine and negotiate an end to this war is the path to protracted conflict and human suffering. 

During a speech given on November 29, Polish Vice-Minister of National Defense (MON) Marcin Ociepa said: "The probability of a war in which we will be involved is very high. Too high for us to treat this scenario only hypothetically." The Polish MON is allegedly planning to call up 200,000 reservists in 2023 for a few weeks’ training, but observers in Warsaw suspect this action could easily lead to a national mobilization. 

Meanwhile, inside the Biden administration, there is growing concern that the Ukrainian war effort will collapse under the weight of a Russian offensive. And as the ground in Southern Ukraine finally freezes, the administration’s fears are justified. In an interview published in the Economist, head of Ukraine’s armed forces General Valery Zaluzhny admitted that Russian mobilization and tactics are working. He even hinted that Ukrainian forces might be unable to withstand the coming Russian onslaught. 

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Douglas Macgregor's analysis and concerns that the US is repeating history against a far more formidable foe (Russia is not North Vietnam) are justified. But I know that Washington is not listening. 

The US political establishment see this war as an existential fight that must end not only with a Russian military defeat, but regime change in Moscow .... Biden's suggestion that Putin must go causes anxiety in Europe (NBC), and among a vocal minority even the break-up of Russia .... Breaking up Russia to end its imperialism (Taipei Times/Bloomberg). 

This is fantasy thinking. 

But in the past few weeks I have noticed a mad push in Washington to become even more involved in the Russia - Ukraine war. I am also willing to bet that this is exactly what Ukraine President Zelensky will be telling President Biden when they meet in the Oval office later today. 

My hope is that the more rational people in the White House and the Pentagon put a stop to this rush to lay the groundwork to provoke Russia into a war with the US and NATO. 

Unfortunately .... these people have been AWOL, and what is worse, the major leaders of the EU (Macron/Scholz/Meloni) who will be directly impacted in such a conflict have been even more silent.


Anonymous said...

We all know WNU, from your history on this blog, analysis and opinions which you have never been ashamed to hide, is that you would rather have Ukraine isolated internationally than contribute or provide AID in any form with the exception of humanitarian aid.

But it isn't humanitarian to simply watch from the sidelines as a sovereign nation is bullied, castrated and devoured by a much larger State. Nazi Germany did it. The US watched from the sidelines then but provided essential aid to the allies before their eventual joining.

People don't want to draw comparisons to Nazi Germany and Russia; I know you certainly don't because of your Russian heritage and Russian connections. But right now Putin is making it very easy for people to draw those comparisons.

Those who are blind and refuse to see it and still wish for Ukraine to be alone in this fight should be ashamed.

A Russian victory in Ukraine will absolutely spell disaster for geo-politics for the foreseeable future. AS would a total Russian defeat.

No matter what result will come out of this war, it won't be easy to digest.

Anonymous said...

🤣🤣 ^^^ what's with everyone's obsession with war? Time for diplomacy

War News Updates Editor said...

Anon 11:31
As a long time reader of this blog you know that since 2014 I have been relentless in pushing for diplomacy to solve the Ukraine crisis.

I also predicted war and disaster if this diplomacy failed.

Because of this position I lost many contacts and friends in Ukraine. Even members of my own family were upset with me.

Times have changed. All of these people ... and I mean all of them .... have contacted me in the past 3 months in the hope that I can help them get out of the country. They see the writing on the wall on what is going to happen next. So do I. The only thing that I can do is continue to push for diplomacy, and to back it with spending my time and money to help as many people as I can. I am also, without shame, using this platform to encourage others to also do what I am doing.

As to comparing Russia to Nazi Germany. When the war broke out even members of my own family called Putin the new Hitler. And Russia like Nazi Germany. That is not helpful. But I understand why everyone is making this comparison. It is hard for people to change. To admit past mistakes, and to be ready to make compromises and sacrifices that will look like humiliation and bending the knee when they simpley cannot because it would mean bending the knee to Hitler.

And for those in the West and on this blog who hunger for war and to justify what is to come. What better way than compare Putin to Hitler, and Russia to Nazi Germany. But this is a war that you do definitely do not want.

Anonymous said...

What is this bullshit about provoking Russia into war with NATO. Russia has already done goaded everybody.

You could gain traction with a truce to going to the 2014 borders. Otherwise, there is nothing left until Moscow or Washington falls.

Anonymous said...

War is an extension of Diplomacy, like when it fails. War also has a way of setting things right. Granted War is not a precise instrument, but over the years it has brought about events that led the world to where we are at. Example; Allies win over the Axis in WWII which was an extension of WWI. Now we are in final phases of ending the Cold War because Russia wants its interests.

BTW; we should not be speaking about regime change in Russia. We need one here in the US to replace the invalid and incompetent one we have now though.

Anonymous said...

Wagner has troops with HIV and hepatitis C on the battlefield. You know they are not supplying them with meds so they won't last but a month or two if that, They won't die from the disease in a month or two, but they will be debilitated. If they are not supplying the medicine, they probably are not suppling much food either. These troops have a life expectancy of a few days to 2 or 3 months at most.

If they are that bad off and that desperate asked to due ludicrous things, you know they are going to frag themselves some Russian officers.

Anonymous said...

If you go back to the border extant from 2014 to 202, you are talking about regime change and everyone knows it.

Merely going back to those borders spell the death knell of the Russian hawks and they know it.

This is a do a die war for Putin and other warmongers.

Anonymous said...

I agree with everything WNU editor says above. We definitely do not want this war.

Anonymous said...

We do want this war. We were bred for it.

Anonymous said...

You were bred for eating cheeseburgers and consooming.

Anonymous said...

Not a lot of cheeseburger here bro. Lot of rice and vegetables. Cheeseburgers only on a road trip.

You had a nice comeback for a moron.

K said...

Negative person attacking the guy who created this blog, go somewhere else if you have a problem with what he has to say.

Anonymous said...

I was speaking to some fellers here in England the other day. They think the Ukrainian army has wiped the floor with the Russians. They've swallowed the propaganda from the BBC, ITN, Sky News & the papers. They're unaware of the casualty rate the Ukrainian army has suffered. They think Ukraine will take Crimea. They are against negotiations as they think that the war is a rerun of 1939. In short, they think this war is a John Wayne movie. Once the Russian steam roller starts, I think there'll be the same kind of shock in the west the Argentinians recieved when they found out their army had been defeated in the Falklands after being told they had won every battle. Keep ducking.......

Anonymous said...

Once the Russian steam roller starts,

Girl, it has been 9 1/2 months, but keep saying it.

Anonymous said...

@3:43 PM

Sounds like you only want people who agree with your view and the view of the WNU to read the blog.

You know what happens when you get that? You get a massive echo-chamber.


If that's what you want, go to the Ukraine or Russian war sub-reddits.