Friday, December 23, 2022

Moldova's Intelligence Chief Believes Russia Will Invade His Country In Early 2023

Euractiv/Reuters: Moldova fears new Russian push towards breakaway east next year 

Moldova’s spy chief warned on Monday (19 December) of a “very high” risk of a new Russian offensive towards his country’s east next year and said Moscow still aimed to secure a land corridor through Ukraine to the breakaway Moldovan region of Transnistria. 

The comments by Alexandru Musteaţă, head of the Information and Security Service, echo recent messages out of Ukraine where top army generals have warned in recent days of the threat of a major new Russian offensive early next year. 

“The question is not whether the Russian Federation will undertake a new advance towards Moldova’s territory, but when it will do so,” Musteaţă told the TVR-Moldova television channel. 

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Update #1: Russia may launch attack on Moldova in early 2023, says country's security chief (New Voice of Ukraine) 

Update #2: Russia planned to invade Moldova in early 2023 (Odessa Journal)  

WNU Editor: Russia will need to cover a lot of territory to make that happen.


Anonymous said...


Do you listen to yourself sometimes?

1) Russia already has troops on the Moldovan border.

So e will say that is not enough. they said that about Russian troops in February 2022.they said there were not enough. but the Russians attacked anyway. What was the Russian thinking?

"You only have to kick in the door and the whole rotten structure will come crashing down."

2) We have been told over and over that after the 300,000 new recruits are trained that they will win in Ukraine. That would put them on the border of Moldova in 2023.

The counterpoint is that not only would (perhaps) the Ukrainians be defeated, but that the Russians would be spent and have no one to spare to invade Moldova.

We (many of us in the US) believe based on Putin's statements that Putin wants Moldova. The intent is there; the means may not be.

Anonymous said...

So e have been told over and over that after the 300,000 new recruits are trained that they will win in
Ukraine. That would put them on the border of Moldova in 2023.

This statement is a giant leap of logic. It assumes that the Russian offensive will be robust enough to not only over run the whole of Ukraine , but have enough left over to take Moldova.

Don't think there is "currently" enough force structure to do this. Enough to conduct an offensive , but not enough to occupy most of the Ukrainian nation.

Anonymous said...

5:22 Why did you wear yourself out man? Did you read the sentence that started with "The counterpoint">

Anonymous said...

Moldova just wants to dip into EU and US wallets while the spigots are still open. Moldova can't really come out and say "The energy sanctions that we vigorously supported have put us on a near-term path to bankruptcy"

Claiming to be under expansionist military threat from the current enemy of the moment makes for a much more sympathetic aid request.

Anonymous said...

Russia has already broke off a piece of Moldova like it did to Georgia and Ukraine.


Due to this pattern Moldova is correct in asking for assistance.

fazman said...

Correct and obvious

copley7 said...

Russian logistics is a disaster and their achilles heel. They make a move like that and go through Odessa the counterattack will be fierce. Cut them off from Crimea and you have Stalingrad in reverse. Ukrainians will take no prisoners either. Putin can't arm, train or feed his own troops on his own borders. NATO weapons etc. will annhialate a Russian Army to far from its borders to be supported. That will bring in use of a battlefield nuke or two by Russia.