Friday, December 23, 2022

More Than Half Of House Republicans Did Not Attend Ukraine President Zelensky's Address To Congress

Ukrainian President Zelensky addressed the US Congress on Wednesday.  

Zero Hedge: More Than Half Of House Republicans Didn't Attend Zelensky's Address 

More than half of House Republicans didn’t attend Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s Wednesday night address to Congress, The Hill reported on Thursday. 

According to The Hill, 86 out of 213 House Republicans were at the Capitol for Zelensky’s speech. While some of the absences could be explained by lawmakers getting an early start on Christmas travel, as about a third of House members had active letters to vote by proxy on Wednesday, there is growing opposition to the policy of arming Ukraine among Republicans.  

Read more ....  

Update: Zelensky address meets divided House GOP preparing to grab purse strings (The Hill) 

WNU Editor: It makes no difference. The Republican leadership in the House and in the Senate are totally onboard in supplying money and weapons to Ukraine.


Anonymous said...

America supplied arms to Ukrainians in the late 1940s and then walked away. T all those Republicans is supplying arms was okay in 2013 and 2014, then it is okay now and shutting it off would be wrong.

If Republicans were so concerned about money why pass the omnibus bill for next year a mere 10 days before the new Congress? I hear Omnibus nowadays and I think I could go to Barnes and Noble and pick up a coffee table book about Daemons and find a picture of the Daemon Omnibus within.

Anonymous said...


"To all those Republicans, if supplying arms was okay in 2013 and 2014, then it is okay now and shutting it off would be wrong."

B.Poster said...

Perhaps supplying arms to Ukraine was misguided in 2013 and 2014. In which case cutting it off now would be the right thing to do. When poor decisions are made, it's important to change course. Perhaps these Republicans are catching on.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps B Poster coming out of his hole was misguided. The place did not stink as much, when he was not around.

B.Poster said...

If there's a policy dispute, time permitting I'm happy to discuss. Insults especially while hiding behind "anonymous" isn't helpful.

You can read the commentary at www.joshuapundit.blogspot.coon 11/17/22 "Why a US in Ukraine is ridiculous." This is a good summary. In 2014 I labeled our leadership class's stumbling into Ukraine the dumbest move ever made by a major power.

Of course it could be extreme desperation combined with hubris that led to this. If this is so, I see no reason to sacrifice my loved ones to protect their nefarious interests.

While this is only baby steps by these Republicans, it's a move in the right direction. People may be starting to catch on!! This is encouraging.

Anonymous said...

Dumbest? You sure Beijing bib that you want to use that superlative? Well given you zip code and ethnicity, you do.

You could look at super powers or major powers from history and measure the time between the alleged dumb move and the their fall. They would give you a yard stick to measure by.

but you are not into objective measures. You are into propaganda aren't you boy.

B.Poster said...

"Beijing bib," China likes the current policy. They view us their primary adversary. In order to properly deal with that we need allies. Having support from Russia would be extremely helpful.

Ad for my zip code, you know where I live. It's easy to figure out. People from NY and CA are moving here in droves!! We're growing like gang busters here!! Come one, come all as long as yettison the crap you left behind you're welcome here!!

"You are into propaganda aren't you boy." You've given me a perfect description of yourself. You may work for our leadership class. Like most reps of them you hide besnd his allies hind "anonymous." Maybe you're simply a useful idiot.

I'm grateful we had some Republicans who aren't afraid of Zelensky and his allies!! God bless these patriots and their families and supporters!!

Anonymous said...

Poster, you are a shill for Beijing. No one here has told me any different and your posts speak for themselves.

You make Baghdad Bob look like a font of truth.

B.Poster said...

You describe yourself perfectly. With the current Cold War 2 situation between the US and Russia China is a huge winner and there's no upside for America along with massive downsides. No one here will tell you any different. There do appear to be a number us US leadership class operatives here. Maybe you're one of them.

Anonymous said...

I like you Poster. You are easy.

B.Poster said...

"Easy?" You have yet to provide a coherent reason supporting US military operations in Ukraine. At best such actions are foolhardy, run contrary to US/our interests, and may even be immoral.

Thank God for a few Congress personnel who took the brave step of not worshipping at the altar of Zelensky!! Small steps on the right direction can becone big steps!! It will be communicated to their offices how much this is appreciated!!