Monday, December 12, 2022

NATO Chief Says Trust Between The West And Russia Has Been Destroyed


CNBC: Trust between the West and Russia has been destroyed, NATO chief says 

* NATO Director-General Jens Stoltenberg said a level of trust that had been established during a rapprochement between Western nations and Russia in recent decades had been destroyed by Moscow’s decision to invade Ukraine. 

* Stoltenberg’s comments come as the war in Ukraine shows no signs of slowing down over the winter period. 

* Russia continues to pound Ukraine’s energy infrastructure too with devastating consequences for civilians. 

The West has tried to build bridges with Russia since the end of the Cold War but any trust that was established in recent years has been destroyed with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, NATO Director-General Jens Stoltenberg said Monday. 

“NATO strived for decades to develop a better, more constructive relationship with Russia,” he told CNBC’s Hadley Gamble in Brussels. “After the end of the Cold War we established institutions [like the] NATO-Russia Council, when I was prime minister of Norway I remember that President Putin attended NATO summits ... so this was a different time when we worked for a better relationship. Russia has walked away from all of this,” he said.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The trust between both sides started to fall apart when the Maidan revolution happened in 2014 and the democratically elected pro-Russian President (President Viktor Yanukovych) was driven out of power. It has been downhill ever since.


Anonymous said...

Would you buy a used car from this guy or the BLOB?
Would you trust these guys to watch your kids?
Of course not.
So after the Merkel fiasco and the pipeline and a dozen more lies. Why would you ever trust these guys..
Yes we are winning in Afghanistan

Anonymous said...

Yes, Editor. You are 100% right. Supporting the likes of Navalny and holding kangaroo court proceedings (MH17/Novichok-Skripals) didn't help either.

Anonymous said...

Mission accomplished then. Just 3 short years ago Jens had the most powerful man in the world saying that his organization was irrelevant and unnecessary.

As far as I can tell the entity that is NATO hasn't done a damn thing in Ukraine, but Mr. Stoltenberg has kept himself in the headlines and made sure that, in everyone's minds, NATO is inexorably linked to the conflict.

Anonymous said...

1st 3 comments are Russian troll comments.

#2's comment is stilted. Language training didn't quite take. Better take that bubba out behind the woodshed and beat the fear of Putin into him.

Anonymous said...

I love how every time Euromaidan is mentioned on this blog, there is never any mention that at the last minute Yanukovych cancelled signing the EU-Ukraine trade agreement (whose promise was a critical reason Yanukovych won the earlier presidential election, and which only months earlier he had been adamant about signing) after Putin put incredible pressure on him. Everyone knows that Yanukovych wanted to sign the bill.

But the EU deal would have ended Putin's goal of binding Ukraine to Russia in a customs union, an essential step to eventually take over Ukraine like Putin is doing with Belarus. So it was vital to Putin to destroy it. The immense Russian pressure on Ukraine was reported extensively back in 2013.

Euromaidan happened because many Ukrainians understood their country had lost sovereignty with Putin being able to veto anything he wanted in Ukraine. Instead, it's only mentioned that Yanukovych was democratically elected. Which is true. Just as true as that he betrayed Ukraine in order to turn it over to a foreign power. So what are you going to do when you have traitor in charge of the country?

One would think this is an important fact to mention when talking about Euromaidan, but it never seems to occur to WNU Editor.

In WNU Editor's mind, Russia is always the victim.


Anonymous said...

The EU deal would also have shut down all the factories in the east that depended on Russian contracts to employ the majority of the population. The trade barriers it intended to erect between Ukraine and Russia meant the death of a substantial portion of the country's industry and overall GDP. People in the east didn't care about "muh eu passports" as much as they cared about feeding and housing their children. That is why the EU deal was ultimately not accepted.

Anonymous said...

Another keeper by Chris. He hits out of the park.

I do not see why an EU-Ukraine trade agreement shuts out Russia.

I do not see why Russia could not join the EU (or at least could have). Sure the the French and the Germans would be their usual effete bad boy selves and bitched up a storm. They would be happy for access to Russian markets, but unhappy as Russia would be the 800 pound gorilla and would eventually running a fair number of things. Of course if Russia did not run things in a open and democratic manner, the EU would become useless and defunct.

The Europeans would complain about the tactics of the oligarchs that made them rich. Those would have to cease if Russia would join. the oligarchs would still be rich. The hands of the superrich in Europe and the US are none too clean. So there is a limit to how much the eurotrash could complain.

The Schwab guy of WEC comes to mind. I wish a movie or a documentary could be made of WEC guests being served meal worms and insects, when they expect prime rib. there reactions and some of their refusal to eat it would be pricesless and political dynamite.

Anonymous said...

"The EU deal would also have shut down all the factories in the east that depended on Russian contract"

1) Proof?

2) If it were true, measure could be taken. A poor Donbas makes for a weak Ukraine. So it would be fixed.

The US is not part of the EU and it trades with the EU. Russia cannot do the same? Pray tell.

If people go hungry because of lost contracts, because EU or something something Russia cannot close off the oil taps until the situation is fixed?

I think 1:26 is throwing red herrings, canards, the kitchen sink and anything else it can throw.

Anonymous said...

No. What happened is the Russian government offered him a much better deal and he took it.

Nunland of DoS in cooperation with soros open society and NED spent 5 billion dollars in the Ukraine to propagandize and polarize the society. Then when the president left the country on an official visit to Russia, the US staged a coup and overthrew the constitutional elected Government. They paid off members of the unit congress to do this. They then supported right wing Nazi groups to stomp out all opposition.

Been watching the Russian situation for over 10 years.

What you are presenting is the new woke version of what happened.

There is a reason the head of STRATFOR called this one of the most blatant coups of modern times.

Anonymous said...

The other part of this conversation that is not being discussed is security concerns. The UKies never had problems with the Russians before 2014.
What happeed

Anonymous said...

UKies never had problems with the Russians before 2014.

and UKies never had problems with the Russians before 2014. was never poisoned by the Russians. He just made that up.

Anonymous said...


If he made it up, what are your counter facts

Anonymous said...

3:17 has no facts, He is a psychopath or a Russian troll.

Anonymous said...

That is non sequitur. Your argument is invalid.

Therefore it is RESOLVED..

Russians and Ukrainians got along fairly well before 2014. It was only after the USA instigated coup in the Ukraine that the problems started.

It can be assumed that the cause of bad relations between the Russians and Ukrainians was started and funded by the USA.

Anonymous said...

Bullshit--it did.
And fuck Nuland