Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Pope Francis Issues Dire Warning Saying He Sees ‘Greater Omens, Destruction’ In The World


Daily Mail: Pope warns he has seen 'omens of even greater destruction and desolation' for mankind 

* The Pope has warned of 'omens of even greater destruction and desolation' 

* The pontiff said even more dire times for humanity are set to come in the future 

* He was speaking at a Mass commemorating the appearance of Mary in 1531 

The Pope has offered a harrowing vision of the future, saying he has seen signs of an even darker time ahead for humanity. 

At a Mass at the Vatican, the Pope, 85, said on Sunday that he has a dire vision for the world with 'omens of even greater destruction and desolation'. 

The Mass was commemorating the feast of Our Lady Guadalupe, which fell on Monday. It commemorates the appearance of the Virgin Mary to a young man, Saint Juan Diego, in 1531 in Mexico City. The day is a national holiday in Mexico.  

Read more ....  

Update: Pope Francis issues dire warning for humanity, sees ‘greater omens, destruction’ in the world (NYPost)  

WNU Editor: Pope France warned in June that World War III has been declared .... World War III has been declared, Pope Francis says (MercoPress).


Anonymous said...

He shouldn't have been a commie and subverted the Wester World.

The replacement of Pope benedict was sleazy but Francis was all too happy to take part in it.

Democrats could not get over that he was drafted at age 16 against his will. He deserted his military unit and they Democrats still have a problem with him. Welp, the Democrats and other leftists got their wish and Benedict was replaced with commie Francis, who is perfect WEC material.

Anonymous said...

Ever hear of Anton Johanson? Seer of finnmark?

Anonymous said...

Keep at it russian ^

Anonymous said...

You don't have to be psychic to figure war between the USA & Russia = nuclear war. Over the most corrupt country in Europe. I wish leaders of countries would send assassins to kill each other & senior civil servants rather than have their armed forces blow up normal people who have nothing to do with the grand plans of globalists. I fear the result of the Great Reset will be the world as a burned-out cinder in space.

Amp1776 said...

I concur.

Amp1776 said...

The UN said at the onset of covid that insanity was sweeping the globe. I say a great darkness has descended upon it.

Anonymous said...

I blame Martin Luther

Anonymous said...

The most corrupt country in the world has to be the country 3 times the size of a small country, but cannot conquer in 9 months.

Russia should have its name changed to Kleptocracia.

Anonymous said...

lol i blame cain

Anonymous said...

The other day he was crying for Ukraine I guess Russian dead don't count today he's repeating the obvious I thought his job was to talk peace,love and understanding with the priority being on peace going into Xmas and all that...... I must be wrong

Anonymous said...

if you believe in what Christianity says about the anti christ, then the evil decent of the world should be expected.

If those words are true. Then the future of mankind is towards more and more evil. He will come and take control of a disintegrating world and promise both order and Peace.

For him to come, the decent of mankind into evil has to happen

And guess what , you are stuck here, just like me.

Anonymous said...

I'm leaving with Elon

Anonymous said...

If Elon had three wives, they would be called The Musk-a-tears