Wednesday, December 28, 2022

President Biden To Spend New Year's Holiday With The Family In The U.S. Virgin Islands

President Joe Biden, first lady Jill Biden and grandchildren Natalie Biden and Robert Hunter Biden disembark from Air Force One as they arrive for a New Year's vacation, at Rohlsen Airport, St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands  

Daily Mail: Warming up! Bidens touch down in 76 degree US Virgin Islands as America recovers from historic blizzard and thousands are left stranded by airport chaos 

* Joe and Jill Biden arrived sunny St. Croix on Tuesday 

* Arrival comes as thousands in U.S. are stranded at airports due to snow  

* Optics of trip being questioned as nation faces multiple crises 

* Bidens will be on island through New Year's Eve  

Joe and Jill Biden arrived in the U.S. Virgins Islands on Tuesday evening to spend the New Year's Eve in the sun as thousands of Americans remain stranded by canceled flights in the wake of winter weather. 

The Bidens, accompanied by grandkids Natalie and Hunter Jr. and daughter Ashley, arrived to 76 degree weather on St. Croix while much of the United States remained under a winter storm warming. 

Traveling on Air Force One presents no travel problems for the president - unlike unlucky passengers on Southwest Airlines where nearly 87 percent of flights across the U.S are canceled.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: Biden arrives in US Virgin Islands to relax between holidays (AP)

Update #2: Joe Biden to spend New Year's holiday with family in U.S. Virgin Islands (USA Today)  

WNU Editor: With US airports in chaos and the border in crisis .... you go on vacation. The optics are beyond terrible.


Anonymous said...

Slow Joe all by himself is a terrible optic. And I see the Hunter cunt is there as well. Ain't that special

Anonymous said...

Trump’s Brazen Tax Cheating Revealed

Anonymous said...

Trump when president spent holidays sleeping on the streets with the homeless and took ubers rather than presidential car while visiting cities and flew economy class when traveling long distances. No Airforce One for him!

Anonymous said...


Things got better under Trump. The border situation was definitely better under Trump.

Mark Cuban who is not a conservative was on the air with Bill Maher. He deplored what liberals have done to San Francisco,.

Liberals have turned San Francisco into an open air toilet, a literal shit hole.

Anonymous said...

The larger question is.... Are there other key leaders...the VP, Speaker of the house, Senate majority leader and more of the DC and NYC crew heading for out of the way places?

How about the British leadership?

Hopefully not.

Why? Because when the games a foot, the rats leave. Watch for it.

Anonymous said...

Very nice mixed-metaphor there--and that was my first thought also.

Anonymous said...

That's not Hunter in the photo.
The article says a grandson "Hunter Jr." is there.

Anonymous said...

Lmafo no tf he didn’t

Anonymous said...

From Wiki

Biden married Kathleen Buhle in 1993.[12] They have three daughters: Naomi, Finnegan, and Maisy.[20] The couple divorced in 2017.[130] Biden began a relationship with Hallie Olivere Biden, widow of his brother Beau, in 2016.[131][132] The relationship ended by 2019.[133]

Biden is also the father of a daughter born to Lunden Alexis Roberts in Arkansas in August 2018.[134][135][136] Roberts filed a paternity suit in May 2019, which was settled in March 2020 for an undisclosed amount.[137]

Biden married South African filmmaker Melissa Cohen in May 2019.[128][138] Their son Beau was born in March 2020 in Los Angeles.[139][140]

Does Hunter Biden have a son named Hunter Jr? He has a son named Beau, who is about 5 or so.

It is not a rash assumption that of the 5 year old (or so) son of Hunter is there, his mother might be too.

Hunter better check the paternity. on his "son". He has had all girls until Beau. After all the meth damage done to his teeth, which he had all capped, you have to wonder about the rest of his body including his testes. Melissa might have given Hunter enough drugs for weekend bender and then cuckolded him.

Anonymous said...

Now let us look at the Trump brood and his plateful of ex wife and girlfriends

If you insist on badmouthing Hunter, then talk about his brood and the zillions from Saudi Arabia, and the lawsuits for rape, and his failed scams and his shitlioad of nonstop lies, documented by major papers.
But, come to think of it, no need. He will not be nominee for the GOP! So begin polishing DeSantis image and kissing his ring

Anonymous said...


Trump has 2 ex-wives which compared to A list Hollywood actors or other billionaires puts him at average or below average.

Did you have a point that you wanted to make that you could actually prove?

I have a theory as to why that is for Hollywood actors, but why throw pearls before a swine?

Anonymous said...

"If you insist on badmouthing Hunter..."

The meth addict?

The nepo baby?

The guy with enough porno on his laptop to star in a whole season of porn?

Anonymous said...

That seems unlikely.