Thursday, December 29, 2022

Report Warns Risk Of Nuclear War At Its Highest Since The Atomic Bombings Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki In 1945

© Russian Defence Ministry/TASS  

AFP: The end is nigh? Climate, nuclear crises spark fears of worst 

For thousands of years, predictions of apocalypse have come and gone. But with dangers rising from nuclear war and climate change, does the planet need to at least begin contemplating the worst? 

When the world rang in 2022, few would have expected the year to feature the US president speaking of the risk of doomsday, following Russia's threats to go nuclear in its invasion of Ukraine. 

"We have not faced the prospect of Armageddon since Kennedy and the Cuban missile crisis" in 1962, Joe Biden said in October.  

Read more ....  

Update: Report Warns Risk of Nuclear War At Its Highest Since US Nuked Japan (  

WNU Editor: Here is the Atomic Bulletin of Scientists 2022 nuclear review report .... The 2022 nuclear year in review: A global nuclear order in shambles

One more note. A prediction. Next month the Doomsday Clock will be moved to one minute to midnight from the current 100 seconds to midnight setting.


Anonymous said...

I agree that the risk of nuclear war is increasing due to US/NATO confrontational policies with Ukraine. However, I understand this "Atomic Bulletin of (So-Called) Scientists" is a political organization controlled by globalists and has no "Atomic Scientists" whatsoever on its staff.

Anonymous said...

ITs pretty much a bogus organization controlled by political interests.

Anonymous said...

"Due to US NATO confrontational policies with Ukraine"


Anonymous said...

There are not am lot of physicist or doctorates on staff.

There are a lot of fell good degrees and has been for 5 decades.

Anonymous said...

Kimberly Ma is a PhD student in Biodefense at George Mason University and a senior analyst with the Preparedness division at the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO).

Avery currently lives in New York City. They graduated from Wellesley College, where they earned a B.A. in International Relations-Political Science and Spanish.

Where else was Avery going to work except Bulletin of Atomic Scientists?

"Cristian Ruhl is a senior researcher at Founders Pledge, a community of technology entrepreneurs dedicated to finding and funding high-impact interventions related to some of the world’s most pressing problems"

Christian has been working on difficult problems like world hunger, world peace, world (fill_in_the_blank)

Wait aren't those the same issue that diplomats and world leaders are suppose to be working on?

Or those other diplomats and dudes at the UN.

Looks like we have 3 sets of people at least working ion these problems. How many of these people are extraneous and hangers on producing nothing but news articles about how hard they are working and CO2?

Anonymous said...

Avery looks kind of different.

Anonymous said...

again, the ususal nonsense!
there are specialists that contribute to that organ
They now warn of fake shit like the comment here denouncing them.
Here then to correct the BS commentary:
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Why the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists Are Warning of a Disinformation Doomsday | The National Interest

Anonymous said...

A globalist is someone who lives in any country other than mine or who refers to or buys anything from another nation.

An elitist is someone with a high school degree or education beyond that and does not work where I do

Anonymous said...

beware the ides of March!

Hans Persson said...

I remember how they moved this doomsday clock closer to midnight just because Trump was elected.

I don't understand why WNU or anyone else is giving this clicks.

Anonymous said...

LOL - good one Hans. Trump was supposed to take us there, but he did the opposite and now the mob is trying to incite everyone. Just remember, drama needs company.

Anonymous said...

11:16 aka BS Boy aka Krueger

There is another operation, where scientists are suppose to be prominent. There may have been a physicist. Maybe. It has been a long time. there were a lot of soft degrees however.

The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists has what 4 to 8 (maybe a few more) actual scientists. They are window dressing.

In the 70s while reading Time or Newsweek I would have taken into account the Bulletin. but then I grew up and went to college. I saw what people in my major did or did not do in the classroom and on and off campus. Just take you worthless sheepskin and wipe your butt with it. It is all it is worth.

Anonymous said...

This is about as trustworthy as anything released by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Both organizations are constructed with 100% recycled bullshit and sit on foundations of swamp gas.

fred said...

REVEALED: George Santos’ Financier Is Putin BFF Viktor Vekselberg’s Cousin, Who Gave Trump $$$ In 2016

Anonymous said...

What amuses but no longer surprises me is that some here make comments to tell us how wrong, or bad, this or that is but do not check before the comment. Exaple: no real science folks on that organ?
How wrong can you be!

Anonymous said...

Wow 7 people on the governing board of Atomic Scientists and only 2 are scientists maybe. One is chemistry. The scientist form the Adaptive tech firm, we do not know who they are. they might have a bachelors, masters or doctorate. In what we do not know.

Assuming that the 2 scientists are in fact both scientists, they can easily be outvoted by the other five.

The board of sponsors means little. They do not direct the day to day activities of the Atomic bulletin.

The Bureau of Atomic Scientist moved the atomic clock just because Trump was elected. Where have we heard that before? Oh yeah, Obama got a Nobel Peace Prize for being elected,

Neither the Nobel committees nor the Bureau of Atomic scientists have an objective criteria for making decisions. It comes down to their political persuasions.

You could argue that the bureau used the Delphi method. Then say so. Then when your prediction are shown to be erroneous, then you have to tweak or revise or dump the Delphi method. How do you tweak the Delphi method? Getting different experts?

The world was more settled under Trump. border crossing went down. Ukraine was not invaded unlike in Obummer and Bite-Me. Kim Jong Un calmed down. China signed a new trade deal that they ripped up after Democrats went with the COVID scare and all out attack.

The board of Governors has a Psych professor n the governing board. Do they have an algorithm or model that they can use other than gut feel or part straight line voting?

It is too bad that Fred will not fess up to posting at 11:54.

Probably because he knew he was going to get pwned in the argument.

Seriously I like the whole PROFESSOR EMERITUS thing. Who get some guy who had done good or decent PhD work. you wait until he is 65 or 75 and then put him on the board. You give him an award in front of 100 NGO employees and go clappy clappy and he shows up one or two days of the year and lends his name to whatever not knowing what really us going in

There is a psych professor in the governing board. Can an English prof be far behind?



Anonymous said...

Yup, thanks for that reminder, Hans. And Anon.