Monday, December 12, 2022

Russia Says Ukraine Lost Over 8,300 Troops Last Month

FILE PHOTO. Russian artillery firing on Ukrainian Armed Forces positions in Lugansk, Russia © RIA Novosti; Viktor Antonyuk  

RT: Russia issues new estimate of Ukrainian combat losses  

Kiev’s forces lost over 8,300 troops last month, Moscow claims  

The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost over 8,000 troops and a significant number of military equipment over the course of November, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu insisted on Tuesday. 

Shoigu declared that, in November, Kiev’s losses amounted to more than 8,300 military personnel, five airplanes, ten helicopters, 149 tanks and more than 300 armored fighting vehicles. 

He added that Russia’s forces have inflicted considerable damage to Kiev's military potential using long-range precision weapons to conduct massive strikes against Ukrainian military command centers and military-industrial complex facilities. 

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: No one really knows how many soldiers have been lost in this war. But everyone is in agreement that the fighting is intense, and that casualties have been heavy on both sides.


Anonymous said...

War News updates is a blog for good Russian propaganda and Bad propagandist for Western US etc.

And yet the owner of this blog is enjoying to live in Canada with the rest of Russians who flew because of theRussian initiated war

Anonymous said...

Amazing. Russia loses so few people to hear them tell it and Ukraine is losing all of theirs, but it is the Russians, who retreat.

This is the longest, bloodiest rope-a-dope in history ot Russia is getting mauled as badly as Ukraine or worse.

I can see it now. A son asks his Russian father what he did in the war. The father replies:

"I was brave. I was a keyboard warrior for the FSB!"

That assumes there are any men in Russia left to be fathers other than the promiscuous and fecund Putin. Maybe Putin will let Medvedev knock up a few. Medvedev does remind me of Colonel Getty, but without the honor.

Anonymous said...

1254 and 122 are both jerks.

Hey the guy's family has brains. He got out while he still could. Like most of us immigrants who had families that got out of Europe.

And most of us here do not see him as pro Russian or pro Ukrainian but as a fairly non partisan writer.

You don't like it go somewhere else. Like over real pro russian Saker blog....oh you will have real fun over there.

A lot of people who think just like you...except for the other side.

Good luck Mate.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

1:37 GFY

Never said that Ukraine was not taking heavy casualties.

I made an observation, which is true. Russia is retreating. Countries that are winning or have a favorable attrition ratios usually do not do that.

I have a reason why they might. I am skeptical that it is the case, but I nonetheless put it out there, a rope-a-dope. it refers to Ali's tactics in the Rumble in the Jungle.

What, you saw the phrase "rope-a-dope" and your thoughts immediately went to soap-on-a-rope?

Shame on you. Boy, you should get checked out for STDs.

I did however imply that Russia is taking heavy casualties and had a little fun with it, twice. Does that offend you Russian troll?

Fun aside, it is a seriously problem for Russia. Read about it before. Lose too many men victorious or not and you lose your country. The Assyrians were so victories battle after battle. They lost so many men. The end came like an avalanche.

Anonymous said...

Listen Skods, you are trying to slime out of responsibility for you past actions again.

Your main purpose was not to discuss casualty rates or information validity.
Your main purpose was to insult the editor and cast the rest of us being ignorant. Ain't going to work jackass.

And quit trying to change the conversation or use red herrings like "implied or taken for granted"
You look and sound: shallow, insincere and somewhat demented.

Your Buddies at WNU

Anonymous said...

No, 1:22 did not insult WNU. I think you just fear the truth.

I have a question for you. Why does Russia insist on building tanks that brew up?

I have been wondering that al over again this morning. There was a vid purportedly of a T64 taking out a T72.

That is some real sad shit there. I am beginning to think that Russians do not understand tanks anymore. Maybe you are not Russians any more?

Anonymous said...

I blame Martha Washington

Anonymous said...

Oh yes he did. The editor is from a Russian background and still has family in Russia. 1:22 does not have the common courtesy enough touse logic instead of insult in his conversations.

Hey bud we were killing T72s with BFVs in the gulf. The T model tanks were never as good as they were made out to be.

Anonymous said...

skoda carbonated semen, cum, or man juice; usually drank by people who have excessive dirty sex. Becky is such a hoe, she drank


If the Russians are using a rope-a-dope, then that is smart and pointing it out is not demeaning the Russians.

If the is no rope-a-dope tactic being played, then the Russians are just plain losing.

So where is the insult to WNU?

I will insult you or perhaps tell the truth about you. You should come out of the closet. You might be out and out gay then but you could at least reclaim your manhood. You could be manly or act manly as a Castro (District) type gay, but I think you come across as more of a flaming, obnoxious femme.

Anonymous said...

Skoda This is no longer you , must be some type of imposter. even though you are illogical you would not stoop to such a level.

4:39. What can we say about an individual who indulges in such obscene remarks. You sir, are a creep. In a public forum you engage in this kind of verbal obscenity. Shame on you

Anonymous said...

psychopath above. believe or not the actions of psychopaths are not so inscrutable. they can be dissected and analyzed. there are perfectly straight forward reasons for Dahmer's action for example. so it is with you. they may be tawdry or sordid, but there is a straight forward explanation

Anonymous said...

Dude, you are blind if you can't tell the difference between the Saker and WNU.

Anonymous said...

There, but for the grace of God, go I.

Anonymous said...

Be a gentleman, Sir--though you are not wrong.