Monday, December 12, 2022

Russian Forces Are Now In The Residential Areas Of Bakhmut

Daily Mail: Hell returns to Europe: A century after the horrors of Passchendaele, images from the Battle of Bakhut in Ukraine reveal similarly dreadful scenes 

* Russia is pouring men into front-on attacks on Ukrainian trenches in muddy hell that is the Battle of Bakhmut  

* It is hauntingly reminiscent of one of the First World War's darkest moment, the Battle of Passchendaele  

* Allied troops spent four months and almost 300,000 men trying to taken the Passchendaele ridge - only to cede it back to Germany a year later without a shot fired, summing up the futility of the conflict  

It was a lesson hard-learned in the mud and blood of Flanders: How thousands of lives can be thrown away for nothing. But now, more than 100 years later, horror scenes that echo one of the First World War's bloodiest battles are once again playing out on European soil.  

Vladimir Putin is pouring Russian troops into the maw of Ukrainian machine-guns in the town of Bakhmut, with troops charging across a muddy hell-scape pock-marked with shell holes and strewn with the corpses of their own comrades, under the wail of artillery fire and into Kyiv's trenches.

It is hauntingly reminiscent of The Battle of Passchendaele, when in 1917 Allied troops were forced to fight the Germans in mud sometimes chest deep, slogging uphill for four months under withering fire at a loss of almost 300,000 men, only to cede it back the following year without firing a shot.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: I have been following the battle for Bakhmut for the past month. The battle for this small city has been the most bloodiest since the war started. Even worse than Mariupol. 

The fall of Bakhmut will be a major defeat for Ukraine in this part of the war, and it looks like it is going to happen in the coming weeks. We will know for sure in January if this happens.

The casualty numbers that I am hearing are incomprehensible. I would say thousands have been killed on both sides, and the battle for this large town has just started.


Anonymous said...

Skofa Boy,

I have said for over a month based on ISW is that Bakhmut is not falling any time soon, but that Russia might get it.

WNU say we will see in January, which is over 2 weeks away. More than two to 4 weeks is not soon.

WNU does seem giddy.

Anonymous said...

I smell bullshit. I haven't heard the use Russian human waves anywhere else. They're hammering Ukraines lines with artillery. I dunno.. supposedly Ukraine is losing 800 killed and wounded a day in Bakmut. Course all of this is hard to confirm... but I don't see any footage of Russian bodied piled up in front of machine gun nests either. Something tells me neither side is stupid enough to use the human wave tactic. But it does sound like Bakmut is likely to fall soon. What happens then... 😕

Anonymous said...

I said it before on this blog. Be careful of the ISW. They are a neocon outfit with an agenda. They are an ideological outfit with a very narrow view and tied deeply into the blob.

But all in all we shall see.

Anonymous said...

Due to the tactics being used, Russian casualties being low compared to the Ukrainians should not be a surprise.

In the offense the Russians do probing attacks, find the enemies front lines, and fall back using artillery to destroy all in front of them. Then move forward.. Slow and ponderous.

In the defence the Russians wait for the enemy to hit their lines then fall back and smash the attack with artillery. They continue this until the enemy has depleted his forces. Trading space for time.

In the defence it is a meat grinder. In the offense it becomes a steam roller.

For the infantry, it is a war of terror. A TOS-1 can put a real hurting on your day.

Maybe in the upcoming months this will change to more of a blitzkrieg type war, but for now it is what it is.

fazman said...

Russian forces are also getting hammered and their artillery is get smashed by the longer range and more accurate western weapons .
Tos 1 is a beast as is himars

Anonymous said...

So 2 moscow interns posted before fazman. These interns do not know the way the world works.

Anonymous said...

This is so sad. Countless men are being killed and countless more are being psychologically ruined by the horror of what is happening to them, and what they are seeing. Same for the civilians who are unlucky enough to still be there. The problem is that human beings are but pawns for the satanic warmongers who are in charge of the West. This will not go well for anyone. The world desperately needs a peacemaker. Jesus said in his Sermon on the Mount: "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of God." Matthew 5:9

Anonymous said...

11:02 Putin invaded not the West.

With Moscow interns you are scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Anonymous said...

Better men than you skods. At least they can form a logical argument and not resort to name calling to make a point.

Now back to another matter, your war experience.
What did you actually do and when? Because I do not believe that guy who said you worked at the coffee shop in country.

And 11:02. Keep praying and saying these things. You are a better man than i

Anonymous said...

Yup himars is a good system and a nasty one. DPICM and if I remember right FAE. If not.... no worries you got WP. Nasty stuff