Thursday, December 22, 2022

Russian President Putin Gives A Blank Check To The Russian Military To Ensure Victory In Ukraine

© Sergei Fadeichev/TASS  

Bloomberg: Putin Pledges Unlimited Spending to Ensure Victory in Ukraine 

(Bloomberg) -- President Vladimir Putin said Russia has “no limitations” on military spending for the war in Ukraine, as he urged the army to deliver on his declared goals with the invasion approaching its 11th month. 

“The country and government is giving everything that the army asks for — everything,” Putin told top military officials at the Defense Ministry’s annual meeting in Moscow on Wednesday. “I trust that there will be an appropriate response and the results will be achieved.” 

Russia should expand its armed forces to 1.5 million troops from the current 1.15 million to ensure its security, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu told Putin. The total should include 695,000 professional contract soldiers, he said, without explaining where the additional recruits would be found. 

The commitment to spare no expense on the war will be a strain on government finances as the proceeds from energy exports come under pressure from price restrictions imposed by the US and its allies. While Russia is running a record current-account surplus this year, the flow of money is expected to weaken in 2023 as sales of gas to Europe plunge and Group of Seven sanctions curb Russia’s oil revenue.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: One third of the Kremlin's budget for 2023 is now slated for the military. I expect this number to climb even further.


fazman said...

Doesn't matter what he days, you can't produce weapons overnight and his cheque book is tiny compared to the U.S

Anonymous said...

Can a black check will raise soldiers morals?

It is free on Ukraine fighters.

Anonymous said...

fazman's comments are a good way - similar to fred lapides's comments - to gauge on which side you are on

Historically seen, fazman has been wrong on every topic discussed here on wnu

Again, similar to Fred. But whatever.

So if fazman tells you the US has sooo much money an soo many weapons, don't even bother seeing his point. It's fazman, the guy who pushed vaccines on children and healthy people. The guy who was for forced injections, vaccine passports, end to your bodily autonomy and defended it all because of "science".

Now that we find out that this "science" was fraudulent and conducted by humans who had human interests (greed, fazman, just like you), we find out this was all very close to Nuremberg violations and mass murder, what does fazman do?

Does he appologise for helping to destroy our economy with lockdowns? No He just moves on to the ukraine war, to again tell us what's best for us lol

You know what's best for us, the West, fazman?

People like you being hung.

After a fair trial.

But you should hang, and the likes of you who destroy our children, economy and future, should hang with you too.

Anonymous said...

@anon 5:31

You’re a loser.

Go back to Loserville with your loser friends and do things that only losers would do.

p.s you’re on the losing side

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

2 at 5:31 AM
wimp calls people out by name but hides behind his own
stop[ bitching so much, bitch. Not everyone agrees with you
present arguments why someone is wrong instead of dribbling your red neck shit that someone needs to be hung.

what lockdown did America have? are economy is in the pits? again, you are dead wrong.
to use your own classy approach: go fuck yourself you wanker
You, like Trump are LOSER

fazman said...

You are a absolute nut job, one of the 3% minority that Australians are embarrassed and ashamed of. Look up the U.S defence budget moron .

fazman said...

He would have to go to university for 5 years just to become an idiot

fazman said...

5.31 is always wrong ? Politically, militarily, covid..the lot .he's gotta be 12

Sickos Against Fazman said...

we are Scam Inc. and are fund raising for Sickos against Fazman. help us by sending us lots of money.

Anonymous said...

The Kremlin announced 1/3rd of the budget is going to the military? That handed a gift to everyone in the US congress to increase the US defense budget, If comments at The drive are any indications, the war in Ukraine is the only thing that Biden gets approval and kudos across the board. Biden cannot afford to lose.

The only criticism that Biden has on this account is that he is slow in shipping systems.

About 5:31. I have noticed that over the years anyone who puts a consistent name to their post and has opinions that may not be popular with 30%, 40% or more of the people are hounded by 1 to 3 people here like 5:31.

fazman said...

Only thing fraudulent is your IQ result of 65 ..way too high .

Anonymous said...

6:50 AM looks like Fred. it is written in his typically classy style.

Although Fred is easily imitated.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you guys stick to the topic instead on insulting each other all the time. You're all here to voice your opinions, right or wrong, you're options count but why not be adult about it. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Don't shoot me for my typos 🤣

Anonymous said...

9:20 Best person out there.

FAZMAN and you all need to take this down a notch

A consideration. The US DoD budget is huge. Largest in the world. But there is a hidden fallacy here.

Just because it is large , does not mean it is efficient or inefficient.

The question is. How much of that budget is actually for the purchase of hard stock armaments and weapons? When I say hard stock , I mean actually "bombs/Guns IN hand of soldiers" not the added in cost of R&D which a lot of folks add into the procurement cost of DoD Money Spent.

So it is a tricky calculation and sources are questionable.

Then you would have to compare that number to its Russian counterpart. This would give you a better guide to who could get there " Firstrest the Mostest"

One other consideration.

The US has to feed weapons and armaments to Units all over the world, not just the Ukraine. You would also have to calculate how much of those "bought weapons" are actually going to end up in Ukraine and not in Okinawa, Syria or South Korea. Same on the Russian side (to a much smaller extent).

Then your comparison will be more accurate. Not 100%, but better.

BTW unlike the US if Putin is a dictator like many of the people here say could he just go to the arms industry and say.

You will produce more weapons and faster. You will receive just enough to cover costs and no profit. This will go as long as needed by the government. And you will provide the ARMY with XXX amount of supplies by XX Date.

Factory owner.....Sir, we cannot do that.....

Putin....... If you cannot , I will find someone who can and you are going to go to Siberia.

Possible ?? IDK, but many of you seem to think so. If so, he has a lot more POTENTIAL to get more weapons more quickly.

In the US , this type of action is near impossible.

Just some ideas to chew on.

Anonymous said...

"Firstest the Mostest" - Patton

Most Americans need to know this. Most Americans do not.

As WNU has pointed out weapons systems have been proposed and Biden hemmed and hawed before finally sending them a few months later.

A caveat to the mostest is that Ukraine gets more kills or more Russian equipment put out of action per shell.

Wit a 7 to 1 advantage at the start of the war in artillery tubes and firing 10X the ammunition than Ukraine, Russia should have won by now. The Russians are definitely bigger. They are also flaccid.

Anonymous said...

White House: Russia's Wagner received arms from North Korea

Anonymous said...

5:58 AM
tired of winning?

fazman said...

I only reply to his attacks not once am l the instigator . It wouldn't matter if Putin threatened to shoot them, it takes time , you can't flick a switch plus he's now missing key components due to sanctions.

fazman said...

I have never ever imstigated the attacks, it's a military blog and all he talks about is covid nonsense and attacks members