Thursday, December 15, 2022

Russia's Defense Ministry Posts A Video Of A Yars Nuclear Capable Missile Being Loaded Into A Silo


Insider: Russia releases video of nuclear-capable ICBM being loaded into silo, following reports that US is preparing to send Patriot missiles to Ukraine 

* Russia's defense ministry shared a video of an intercontinental ballistic missile being loaded.  

* It identified it as a "Yars" missile, which has a nuclear warhead. 

* Russia shared the video following reports that the US will send a Patriot defense system to Ukraine. 

Russia's defense ministry shared a video of a intercontinental ballistic missile being loaded into a launch silo, days after reports surfaced that the US is preparing to send an advanced Patriot air defense system to Ukraine. 

The Russian ministry shared the video on Telegram on Thursday, saying that it showed the loading of an "intercontinental ballistic missile into silo launcher" in Kozelsk, a town in western Russia. 

It claimed the missile was a "Yars," which has a nuclear warhead. Russia previously fired a Yars missile in October, as part of a test conducted by the country's nuclear forces.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Russia's Ministry of Defense just released another video of another Yars nuclear missile into a silo .... Russia readies a SECOND monster Yars nuke for combat – as pro-Putin MP threatens 'hotbed of all nastiness' London with missile strike (Daily Mail). 

Russia's Defense Ministry Posts A Video Of A Yars Nuclear Capable Missile Being Loaded Into A Silo  

Putin issues new nuclear threat to the West by readying Yars missile capable of striking US and Britain -- Daily Mail  

Russia Primes Nuclear Bomb 12 Times More Powerful Than Dropped on Hiroshima -- Newsweek  

Putin readies massive Yars nuclear missile capable of hitting US and UK -- NYPost  

Russia flaunts intercontinental ballistic missile in new video -- Business Insider


Anonymous said...

I am not impressed all they do is mess the world.


fazman said...

Meanwhile 5 us and uk subs are just off the coast waiting to launch.. go back to bed putin before you spanked without supper

Anonymous said...

No Fazman. That is not the correct reply.

The correct reply is...These people have all gone nuts and will kill us all.

B.Poster said...

Nailed it!! Of course Fazman is Aussie. While many of us including myself love and admire Aussies, his loved ones aren't likely to be in significant danger from this madness. From a cost/benefit analysis our involvement in this never made sense to me. Your response is indeed the correct one.

Besides I would be shocked if the Russians and their allies do not have similar nuclear capable assets just off the American coasts "waiting to launch." I certainly wouldn't trust US (un)intelligence to be up to speed on this.

Anonymous said...

"Besides I would be shocked if the Russians and their allies do not have similar nuclear capable assets just off the American coasts "waiting to launch." I certainly wouldn't trust US (un)intelligence to be up to speed on this."

Russian subs typical sit in the arctic and not off the coasts. Your supervisor should get you a better talking points memo.

Things must be serious for you to be back on the job. I mean you truly suck at it.

Anonymous said...

Faz still feels safe to continue his chatter from the other side of the world thinking he's well away from any fallout and that his government will protect him.

B.Poster said...

While these subs may typically "sit" in the Artic, there have been a number of reports over the years of them being off of the US coasts. During times such as these I would be shocked if there not off of the US coasts and I have zero confidence in US Intelligence to be on top of this.

As fast and elusive as Russian nuclear missiles are they wouldn't necessarily need to be positioned off the coasts but any US military planning should assume they are. I find it interesting that instead of addressing this head on you try and slander me. This is the typical pattern of US government agents as utilized by our leadership class.