Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Russia's Only Aircraft Carrier, In Dry-dock For Years, Catches Fire Again

IvtI 09 / Wikipedia 

Newsweek: Russia's Only Aircraft Carrier Catches Fire 

A fire broke out on the flagship of the Russian Navy, according to local media reports. 

The blaze started on the Admiral Kuznetsov, Russia's only aircraft carrier, while it was docked at the Zvyozdochka shipyard in the Barents Sea port city of Murmansk, located in the far north-west of Russia, news agency Tass said. 

An emergency services source told the agency on Thursday morning that 20 people had been evacuated, the fire was extinguished and that "there were no casualties." 

Alexei Rakhmanov, head of the United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC), which is overseeing renovation of the vessel, told RIA Novosti that the incident occurred during repair work. 

The Admiral Kuznetsov has been out of service and in dry dock for repairs since 2018. 

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WNU Editor: The aircraft carrier has been in dry-dock for 5 years. The fire was put out quickly. 

Russia's Only Aircraft Carrier, In Dry-dock For Years, Catches Fire Again  

Russia’s only aircraft carrier catches fire -- RT  

Russia's only aircraft carrier, already sidelined for years, catches fire again -- AP 

Russia’s only aircraft carrier caught on fire — again -- Task & Purpose  

Russia’s Unfortunate Aircraft Carrier Has Caught Fire Again -- The Drive  

Flagship of Russian Navy catches fire -- Axios


Anonymous said...

Keeps on going...

Anonymous said...

Was the fire put out by fire watch?

Protocol is that when a welder is working, an ordinary sailor is in the adjacent compartment bored to tears sitting on a chair facing the bulkhead with a fire extinguisher in case there is a fire.

If a single guy in fire watch used a fire extinguisher to put out the fire, then why would this e news?

We have no idea how big or not big this fire was. Twenty people were evacuated. It could be do to precaution or the Russian could be lying. No idea.

Have seen a twitter thread with pictures of the Kutsenov engine room. If those pictures are real, the ship is bad shape and so is Russia.

K said...

They need to just throw it away and ask the Chinese to make a copy of it or something. This is ridiculous

Anonymous said...

Yeah the Kuznetsov's embarrassing trip to Latakia a few years ago should've been the final voyage for the old ship, but you know how generals and admirals operate. No head of the Navy would agree to mothballing their only carrier without a replacement lined up first, even if the carrier is functionally useless without a flotilla of tugs towing it around. It's going to gobble up funds in drydock for another 5 years.