Monday, December 19, 2022

Senior Ukraine Official Says Russia Has Enough Missiles For Only 3-4 More Mass Strikes

Ukrainian Secretary of National Security and the Defense Council Oleksiy Danilov 

Newsweek: Russia Has Enough Missiles for 3-4 More Mass Strikes, Official Warns 

A high-ranking Ukrainian official believes that Russia is running out of missiles to target critical infrastructure. 

Ukrainian National Security and Defense Council Secretary Oleksiy Danilov told Ukrainian news outlet Pravda on Monday that Russia has "at most two or three, maybe four more to spare." 

"But then they will be completely without missiles, which is unacceptable, because they may have completely different challenges, and they have to leave at least some reserve," Danilov said.  

Read more ....  

Update: Russians pass limit in terms of missile use norms, 3 to 4 more attacks and there will be nothing left (Ukrayinska Pravda)  

WNU Editor: Ukrainian Secretary of National Security and the Defense Council Oleksiy Danilov said the same thing last month. That the Russian military would run out of missiles after a few strikes. Sighhhh .... he is has been wrong in the past, and I am willing to bet that he is wrong now.


Anonymous said...

Simple. If he is wrong, always suspect what he says in the future is a lie.

fazman said...

Missiles are not infinite ..they must be running low and there is no doubt they have spies within Russia

Bigus Macus said...

I think it's a case of wishful thinking on his part.

Anonymous said...

Russia is a great country and a lot more..


Anonymous said...

I'd say they are not bountiful.......but Iran is resupplying their drones and possibly China. When Bout reactivates his networks they'll find more.

Anonymous said...

You think bout is gonna be buying homemade bottle rockets from hamas?

Perhaps instead the plan is to continue producing the missiles that they need domestically.

The latest batch launches this week were confirmed to have been built in October/November. The sanctions don’t do anything except raise the price.

Hans Persson said...

And he was right, hence the mass buying of Iranian drones and god know what kind of other missiles from elsewhere.