Monday, December 26, 2022

Serbia Puts Its Arm Forces On High Alert Over Rising Tensions With Kosovo

BBC: Kosovo: Serbia puts troops on high alert over rising tensions 

The Serbian army says it is at its "highest level of combat readiness" after weeks of escalating tensions between Serbia and Kosovo. 

President Aleksandar Vucic says he will "take all measures to protect our people and preserve Serbia". 

The sabre-rattling is louder than ever and follows media claims that Pristina is preparing "an attack" on ethnic Serb areas in north Kosovo. 

The government in Pristina has made no comment about the allegations. But it has previously accused Mr Vucic of playing "games" to stir up trouble. 

The European Union has been attempting to mediate. 

The 27-member bloc is calling for "maximum restraint and immediate action", and for the leaders of Serbia and Kosovo to "personally contribute to a political solution". 

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The Serbian government is responding to numerous reports that Pristina is preparing "an attack" on ethnic Serb areas in north Kosovo .... Pristina troops on full combat alert — newspaper  (TASS). 

Serbia Puts Its Arm Forces On High Alert Over Rising Tensions With Kosovo  

Serbia places its troops on Kosovo border on combat alert -- AP

Serbia places its troops on Kosovo border on combat alert as tensions escalate -- France 24

Serbia sends military chief to Kosovo border as tensions rise -- France 24


Anonymous said...

I would just as soon as the northern large purple area be annexed to Serbia with everyone's blessing.

If they could trade the other non-contiguous area for an equal amount of land adjoining Serbia would be good IMO.

My 1st or 2nd thought is that Russia is behind this. Not that people need much help in being piggish. I thought the concern for the Bosnians was overblown. They were as chauviunistic as everyone else. After awhile they started losing but they were not better people.

Russia would benefit if NATO would be further stretched. The grievances are always there on simmer or low boil.

After land is traded so we don't get a Nagorno-Karabakh situation for perpetuity, Kosovo should join Albania.

Maybe the Russians should send Eastern Orthodox missionaries to Albania and Kosovo so those good people can revert to the religion of their ancestor and not that of the conqueror

It is not like the fucking red pope is going to do that.

Anonymous said...

Another slur against Santa Claus in this holiday season. Sad.