Wednesday, December 21, 2022

This US Congressman Says NATO Could 'Take Out' Russia In A Three Day Operation

Newsweek: NATO Could Take Out Russia in 3 Days: Congressman 

Representative Adam Kinzinger said on Monday that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) could take out Russia in only three days. 

Russian President Vladimir Putin has long taken issue with NATO—a coalition of Western governments including much of Europe and the United States—raising concerns about the West's expanding sphere of influence in the months leading up to the Ukraine war. Specifically, the Russian leader opposed the possibility of Ukraine joining the organization. 

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WNU Editor: If Representative Adam Kinzinger believes NATO could "take-out" Russia in 3 days. Sighhh ... all that I can then say is that this US Congressman is crazy.


Bigus Macus said...

Agreed, soon to be former Representative Adam Kinzinger is an idiot.

RussInSoCal said...

Cry, Kinzinger.



fazman said...

3 weeks though they will dismantle much of Russia's airdefence and offensive capability .
3 months and Russia will be done

Anonymous said...

Kinzinger is a Poly Sci major, which doe not impress me. He has close 20 years in the Air Force reserves and ANG. That is bound to have taught him something. My first guess is that he may be drinking too much Kool Aid in Congress.

Anonymous said...

Mad man
Should be removed from office immediately

Anonymous said...

fazman, the village idiot, who cheered on tyranny from east to west, NOW wants to subdue russia in a "3 day war"

I hope no one takes this government boot licker seriously... or maybe you should.. because it's the people like fazman who cheered on the "health" camps, who cheered on the political oppression and who cheered on the end of bodily autonomy

Take him seriously, for he is the enemy to mankind

Anonymous said...

tend your own bodily autonomy, misfit
(5:44) are nothing but a gossipy old woman hanging laundry and badmouthing others.

Anonymous said...

Trump Paid $1.1 Million in Taxes During Presidency, but $0 in 2020, Report Shows

The former president reported a burst of income after entering the Oval Office, but by the end of his term, his tax filings had reverted to large losses, according to data released by a House panel.

fazman said...

Wow illiterate as well as a conspiracy nut job. Take your pills and go back to your asylum camps lmfao..sane people call them hospitals.

fazman said...

He really is a special.kind of stupid

B.Poster said...

Whether or not he's "crazy" is hard to say but this is "crazy talk." Unfortunately much of the US leadership class seems infected by this sort of thing. Hopefully no one actually tries to act on such crazy talk.

Anonymous said...

he is telling the truth you dumb asses. why hate him

Anonymous said...

This fellas honeypot file must be extraordinary.

Anonymous said...

This guy is in the same league as the idiot congressman who asked if Guam was going to tip over because of too many
people. Moron.. NATO can defend its own borders and that's about it...Maybe is USA went to full war mode we could do a lot of harm

Does not matter anyway. Hope this idiot is in the heavy nuke fallout zone

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


What business is it of yours to know Trump's taxes if all legal obligations were paid?

the answer is none. A prurient gossiping hag has nothing on you. You set the standard for busybodies everywhere.

"The purpose for requesting the returns this time was so the Democrats in the House could perform an audit on how the IRS audits a President’s tax returns. It’s not been reported that the Clintons or the Obamas’ returns have been requested or any other President’s taxes for that matter."

That is some NOBLE purpose. Funny how they want to do it to Trump but not the previous 3 presidents nor for the next 3 president.

fazman said...

Nato can do a lot more than defend its own borders , Russia can barley handke ukraine, nato airpower would be absolutely dominant and devastating. The quantity over quality has long been dusbunked