Thursday, December 15, 2022

Ukraine Launches Massive Artillery And Missile Strikes On The City Of Donetsk

CNN: Ukraine launches ‘most massive strike’ on occupied Donetsk region since 2014, Russia-installed mayor says  

Ukrainian forces have unleashed the biggest attack on the occupied Donetsk region since 2014, according to a Russia-installed official, in the wake of heavy fighting in the east of the country. 

Donetsk has been held by Russian-backed separatists for eight years and it is one of four Ukrainian regions that Moscow attempted to annex in October, in violation of international law. 

“At exactly 7 a.m. the (Ukrainians) subjected the center of Donetsk (city) to the most massive strike since 2014,” the Moscow-appointed mayor, Aleksey Kulemzin, posted on Telegram.

“Forty rockets from BM-21 ‘Grad’ MLRS were fired at civilians in our city,” he said Thursday, adding that a key intersection in Donetsk city center had come under fire.  

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Update #1: Ukrainian forces shell Russian-controlled Donetsk, officials say (Reuters)  

Update #2: Pro-Russian Donetsk Mayor Claims ‘Largest’ Ukrainian Shelling Attack Since 2014 (Moscow Times) 

WNU Editor:  Ukraine has been launching strikes against Donetsk city constantly since 2014. But today was a bad day.


Anonymous said...

Look who’s killing civilians now

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile this commentator forget about Russians strikes on civillians

fazman said...

Blah blah