Saturday, December 17, 2022

Ukraine's Presidential Office Furious After FIFA Rejects Their Proposal That President Zelensky Addresses The World Cup Final

FIFA boss Gianni Infantion (left) and Ukraine President Volodymy Zelensky (right).

CNN: Exclusive: Ukraine’s presidential office criticizes FIFA for refusing to show Zelensky’s message of peace at World Cup Final  

Ukraine’s presidential office is criticizing FIFA for refusing to show a video message from President Volodymyr Zelensky in Qatar’s Lusail Stadium ahead of the World Cup final on Sunday. 

The video, which was recorded in English, is meant to be an “appeal for peace,” Ukraine’s presidential office said in a written statement to CNN on Saturday. 

“Qatar supported the President’s initiative, but FIFA blocked the initiative and will not allow the video address of the president to be shown before the final game,” the statement said.  

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Update #1: Ukraine Angry After FIFA Rejects Zelensky Request To Address World Cup Final (Zero Hedge)  

Update #2: Exclusive: FIFA rebuffs Zelensky’s request to share message of peace at World Cup final (CNN)  

WNU Editor: FIFA is making it very clear to everyone that they do not want politics involved in the World Cup. Especially in tomorrows final.


Anonymous said...

I understand FIFA.

I also understand Zelensky has to try.

If Germany had attack Czechoslovakia in 1945 and the war was still going on in 1936 with Germany pounding the Hell out of Czechoslovakia, would the Olympics have still been held in Germany or would the Olympic committee allow Foreign minister Beneš to address the Olympics?

Anonymous said...

That went quickly to a Hitler-equivalency argument.

Anonymous said...

It is an example most people know of.

Most pep[le are fuzzier on ancient Mesopotamia, the Fertile Crescent , The Step migrations for the last 2000 years, etc.

No analogy is 100% perfect and some are worse than others, but what is your problem with this one?

Many Americans can outline American history to one degree or another from Columbus to today, but it would be sketchy. Knowledge of European history is sketchier. Fuggit 'bout anything else.

You have to use an example people know.

Anonymous said...

It is not working. Russian people live in the Eastern part of Ukraine. Unlike the Hitler example. They were under attack from 2014. Unlike the Hitler example. Putin's attack is overreaction imo, but nothing is like Hitler's Germany. Hitler made the whole economy prepared for the war for a decade. Seemingly from the weapons that is not the case with Putin.

Anonymous said...

Putin infiltrated people and equipment in 2014. He could easily sneak equipment across the border since the Ukrainians and Russians had the same equipment and say the rebels had liberated it.

We got a war for that. >>

"In the Ukrainian Census of 2001, 49.6% of the inhabitants declared themselves as ethnically Ukrainians and 47% as Russians. 85.3% of the population spoke Russian as their native language, while 13.7% spoke Ukrainian,"

You are not working.